Updated Friday, January 26, 2024-14:42

The spring atmosphere of the last few days will continue this weekend, which will be

the last of January

, with many hours of sun, without a drop of rain in almost all of Spain and temperatures more typical of April or May in many areas.

"High pressures continue to dominate the entire national territory and exceptionally high temperatures for the time of year, as well as the absence of precipitation," according to

Cayetano Torres

, spokesperson for the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

This anticyclonic weather of slightly cloudy skies and lack of precipitation, however,

foresees the passage of an Atlantic front

through the northern third of the peninsula.

But what does Aemet say about what will happen

in February


"The week

of January 29 to February 4

is expected to continue the same pattern, with anticyclonic weather and very high temperatures. There is only a probability of precipitation, weak and scattered in general except in the west of Galicia, at the beginning of the week in the northwest of the peninsula, in the middle of the week in the area of ​​the Strait and the Cantabrian Sea and, in the last part, in the Cantabrian Sea and the Pyrenees," the agency publishes on its blog.

In addition, morning fogs will continue to occur in areas of Galicia, the northern plateau, large areas of the Mediterranean slope, the Balearic Islands and valleys in the southwest quadrant.

Temperatures tend to drop, with frost in the Pyrenees

and, increasingly likely, in the Northern plateau and mountain areas.

Light winds from the east and north will predominate, more intense on the coasts, with strong intervals in the Strait. In the Canary Islands, slightly cloudy skies will also predominate, although there could be some occasional precipitation in the north of the islands with greater relief, with temperatures predominating slight drops and an easterly wind that

could continue to bring haze to the islands.

If the prediction is extended

until February 18

, Aemet recalls that "it is not significantly different from the climatology of the model" used for the first days of February. But "predictions are subject to uncertainties that increase as the prediction period increases."