Jacques Serais // Photo credit: MUSTAFA YALCIN / ANADOLU / ANADOLU VIA AFP 6:10 a.m., January 26, 2024

Of the 86 articles included in the immigration law, 32 were completely censored by the Constitutional Council. A censorship which affects almost all the measures proposed by the right. To explain its decision, the Sages cited formal defects or non-compliance with procedure. Europe 1 takes stock of the lessons that can be learned from these decisions. 

32 articles censored out of 86. The Constitutional Council decided to censor 40% of the text of the immigration law, most of the articles proposed by the right have disappeared. It is a tactical victory for Emmanuel Macron. The head of state won the battle, he wanted a law at all costs and the challenge was clear: to show that he is in no way hindered, that even without an absolute majority in the National Assembly, he can move forward. 

A double-edged victory for the presidential camp 

The executive welcomes the announcements of the Wise Men. The measures proposed by the government are validated as: the regularization of undocumented workers in professions in shortage will be effective, as will the simplification of procedures for deporting delinquent foreigners. As for the concessions made under pressure to the right, which the left wing of Macronie did not want, these are censored by the Sages. The President of the Republic expected no less. 


Immigration law: the Constitutional Council largely censors the text, the Republicans and the RN are on their way

We must remember that it was he who referred the matter to the Constitutional Council. A calculation not devoid of cynicism, but double-edged. This is where tactical victory can turn into strategic failure. Indirectly, the head of state agrees with the right, which is calling for a referendum to allow constitutional reform. Which also plays into the hands of Marine Le Pen.

While immigration has never been so important, while opinion surveys show that the French want strong measures, this law is much less firm than the national representation wanted. There will be no other immigration law in this five-year term. On this point, Emmanuel Macron places his camp in a weak position on the battlefield for the 2027 presidential election.