Matthew Miller: We have contacted the Israeli government to obtain more information (Associated Press)

The US State Department announced on Friday that Washington will “temporarily suspend” new funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) against the backdrop of the Israeli government accusing some of the UN agency’s employees of involvement in the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack launched by Hamas on October 7. the first.

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a statement, “The United States is deeply concerned about allegations that 12 UNRWA employees may be involved in the attack launched by the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, on Israel on October 7.”

The statement stated that the US administration contacted the Israeli government to obtain more information about these allegations, and informed Congress of this procedure.

Miller also indicated that the US Secretary of State agreed with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, to conduct a comprehensive investigation, stressing that the US State Department welcomes this pledge and the Secretary-General’s response if the allegations are proven true.

An international investigation

In the same context, UNRWA said that it had opened an investigation into allegations of the involvement of a number of its employees in the October 7 attacks.

Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of UNRWA, said: “The Israeli authorities provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of a number of UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on the Gaza Strip on October 7.”

He continued: "To protect the agency's ability to provide humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these employees and begin an investigation in order to find the truth without delay."

For his part, United Nations spokesman Stephane Dujarric said that Guterres received a briefing from the Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, regarding the very serious allegations regarding the involvement of a number of UNRWA employees in the attacks that occurred on the seventh of last October.

Dujarric added that the Secretary-General is horrified by this news, and has asked Lazzarini to quickly investigate this matter and ensure that any UNRWA employee who appears to have participated or incited what happened on October 7 will be immediately dismissed and referred for criminal prosecution. potential.

Following the 1948 war, UNRWA was established by Resolution No. 302, issued by the United Nations General Assembly on December 8, 1949, with the aim of providing direct relief and employment programs for Palestinian refugees, and the agency began its operations on May 1, 1950.

UNRWA provides assistance and protection to Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the occupied Palestinian territories (after 1967), until a solution to their suffering is found.

UNRWA is funded almost entirely through voluntary contributions from UN Member States.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies