Uzbekistan-China Investment Forum opens in Shenzhen

  Mirziyoyev delivered a keynote speech, Huang Kunming delivered a speech, and Meng Fanli attended

  Guangzhou Daily reported that on the morning of January 25, the Uzbekistan-China Investment Forum hosted by the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of Uzbekistan opened in Shenzhen. Representatives from the political and business circles of China and Uzbekistan gathered together to discuss the deepening of the implementation of the Sino-Uzbekistan Investment Forum. We conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the important consensus reached by the heads of state, effectively strengthening economic and trade exchanges between localities, and promoting two-way investment and expansion of opening up. President Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan delivered a keynote speech, and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Huang Kunming delivered a speech. Meng Fanli, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, attended the opening ceremony.

  Mirziyoyev said in his speech that he was glad that the Ukraine-China Economic and Trade Forum was held in Shenzhen, which symbolizes the miracle of China's economic development. Yesterday, I held a fruitful meeting with His Excellency President Xi Jinping. The two sides confirmed to develop and deepen the all-weather strategic partnership between Ukraine and China in the new era, promote the construction of a community of shared future between Ukraine and China, provide huge opportunities and open up bright prospects for the two countries to further deepen practical cooperation. . In recent years, Uzbekistan-China economic and trade relations have developed vigorously, playing an important role in promoting friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial development between the two countries. Currently, Uzbekistan is deeply promoting comprehensive reforms, accelerating the formulation and improvement of various policy documents and institutional mechanisms, and is committed to creating a high-quality business environment that facilitates the development of enterprises. As Uzbekistan and China work closely together to accelerate the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project, exchanges and exchanges between the two countries have become more convenient, and entrepreneurs from both sides have joined hands to explore broader business opportunities.

  It is hoped that entrepreneurs and friends from both countries will seize this rare historical opportunity and make full use of the forum platform to focus on infrastructure connectivity, security and stability of industrial and supply chains, intensive processing of agricultural products and cultivation of modern agriculture, green and low-carbon energy development, and the reform of state-owned enterprises, etc. We will deepen exchanges and exchanges in various fields, tap into the potential for cooperation, and work together to create new prospects and new futures for win-win development. Uzbekistan will build the Uzbekistan-China Economic and Trade Forum into an important dialogue platform and normalized cooperation mechanism to promote economic and trade exchanges between Uzbekistan and China, give full play to the role of the forum as a bridge and link, provide convenient policies and high-quality services to the best of its ability, and encourage people from all walks of life in the two countries to visit the forum frequently. In the past, we will help the implementation of cooperation projects, continue to intensify exchanges, enhance mutual trust, deepen friendship, and always be a firm and reliable partner of Chinese friends.

  Mirziyoyev said that the famous Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." At present, Uzbekistan-China all-round cooperation has taken solid steps and is moving towards a brighter and broader future. Local cooperation is an important engine for strengthening the all-weather strategic partnership and all-round cooperation between Ukraine and China in the new era. The Uzbekistan-China Local Cooperation Forum and the "Made in Uzbekistan" Exhibition held not long ago received enthusiastic responses and were widely praised. It has also injected strong new momentum into expanding economic, trade and investment cooperation, strengthening partnerships and friendly exchanges between the two countries. We are willing to continue to deepen inter-local exchanges with Guangdong, actively promote deeper and wider cooperation, and strive to achieve more breakthrough cooperation results.

  In his speech, Huang Kunming, on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Government, Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, welcomed President Mirziyoyev’s delegation’s visit to Guangdong and Shenzhen, congratulated the successful holding of this forum, and expressed his long-term care and support for Guangdong and Uzbekistan. Thank you to friends from all walks of life for exchanges and cooperation. He said that the ancient Silk Road had witnessed the prosperity of close commercial exchanges and friendly exchanges between the peoples of China and Uzbekistan since ancient times. Over the past 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Ukraine, bilateral relations have continued to flourish and exchanges and cooperation have continued to deepen. In recent years, under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state and driven by the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative, China-Uzbekistan relations have continued to develop for the better. On January 24, President Xi Jinping held talks with His Excellency the President and announced that China and Uzbekistan have decided to develop an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era, promote the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Uzbekistan from a higher starting point, and inject new connotation and new vitality into the relations between the two countries.

  Huang Kunming said that Guangdong, located at the southernmost tip of mainland China, persists in the development competition among hundreds of rivals, dares to venture, dares to try, dares to be the first, constantly stimulates surging reform momentum, seizes the advantages of being adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, and integrating into the world, Continue to inherit the profound open gene, always adhere to the entity, advocate science, continue to generate strong innovation vitality, the development foundation becomes increasingly solid, the development advantages become increasingly significant, and the development opportunities become increasingly apparent. We are full of confidence in the future of China's economy and the future of Guangdong's economy. We firmly believe that openness brings progress and cooperation can lead to win-win results. Uzbekistan has always been an important direction for Guangdong's opening up to the outside world. In recent years, cooperation between the two places in many fields has shown rapid development momentum. Holding the China-Uzbekistan Investment Forum is not only an important measure for China and Uzbekistan to promote high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", but will also greatly promote Guangdong's deepening of exchanges and cooperation with Uzbekistan. I hope to take the opportunity of His Excellency the President’s visit and the holding of the forum to give full play to the leading role of the good relationship between Shenzhen and Tashkent, and further deepen the cooperation between the two places in the fields of infrastructure, investment and trade, advanced manufacturing, smart agriculture, green energy, cultural tourism and other fields. Pragmatic cooperation to achieve a higher level of mutually beneficial and win-win development. Guangdong will vigorously support high-quality companies to invest and develop in Uzbekistan, and also sincerely welcomes outstanding Uzbek companies to come to Guangdong, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and China to invest and start business. I believe that within the overall framework of China-Uzbekistan relations and with the joint efforts of Guangdong and Uzbekistan, we will surely be able to work together to write a new chapter of exchanges and cooperation between Guangdong and Uzbekistan and better benefit the people of the two places.

  Before the opening ceremony, Huang Kunming also met with President Mirziyoyev and the Uzbek delegation. The two sides had an in-depth exchange of views and reached a series of consensus on deepening the development of sister-city relations and strengthening cooperation in multiple fields.

  Provincial leaders Chen Jianwen, Wang Ruijun and Zhang Xin, and Chinese Ambassador to Uzbekistan Yu Jun attended relevant activities.

  (Xu Lin, Luo Xiaohua, Yue Zong)