Last year was marked by uncertainty on the housing market in Uppsala County, as a result of high interest rates and high inflation. National economist Mikael Elinder believes that the uncertainty will also continue in 2024.

- It is about the situation in the world. There has been high inflation, high interest rates and high electricity prices. Hopefully inflation will stabilize at a lower level, but we don't know that, says Mikael Elinder.

Fewer homes sold in the county

According to Swedish real estate statistics, 16 percent fewer condominiums were sold in the county in 2023, compared to the year before. In November, the Riksbank left the policy rate unchanged at four percent. However, Mikael Elinder believes that owners of condominiums can count on additional costs.

- Some condominiums need to refinance their loans and incur higher costs, says Mikael Elinder.

In the clip, you can hear how the buyer and the seller can think in 2024.