It was a private person who found two weapons with silencers in the grass at Nyköpingsbro last autumn. The person alerted the police to the weapons cache, who in turn exchanged the loaded weapons for replicas.

Three girls from Malmö showed up in a car at Nyköpingsbro to collect the weapons - but the police arrested the trio and two of them were later arrested. The police also found SEK 50,000 in cash in the car.

A few weeks later, two brothers were also arrested, an 18-year-old and a 19-year-old who also came from Malmö.

On Friday, the teenage girls were sentenced to two years and six months in prison for serious weapons offences. The brothers are acquitted of serious weapons offences, but are instead convicted of serious drug offences.

The 19-year-old is sentenced to three years and two months, while the younger brother will serve two years and two months in prison.

The teenage girls deny wrongdoing.

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The police: This is how young people are recruited into gangs. Photo: SVT Photo: SVT