The American delegation awaits the decision of the International Court of Justice regarding the file it submitted against Israel (Anatolia)

The 112th day of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip witnessed a series of field and political developments, most notably the occupation committing many massacres in the Strip and the International Court of Justice issuing its decision regarding the case that South Africa filed against Israel, accusing it of genocide in Gaza, amid an Israeli attack on the decisions. And American criticism.

The court approved a series of temporary procedures and measures to prevent genocide in the Gaza Strip and demanded that Israel act on them immediately.

The court also called on Israel to submit a report to the court regarding all temporary measures imposed within a month, and it must take immediate measures to improve the humanitarian situation and prevent destruction in the Gaza Strip.

She said that Israel must ensure that its army does not commit humanitarian violations in the Gaza Strip, and ensure that direct incitement to genocide is prevented.

For its part, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said that the International Court of Justice’s decision is an important development that contributes to isolating Israel and exposing its crimes in Gaza.

International positions

Many Arab and Western countries welcomed the court's decision. South Africa said that Israel cannot be exempted from complying with its international obligations, and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa described the decisions as a victory for justice.

Ramaphosa said that the court decisions proved that his country was right to file the complaint against Israel.

On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - who asked Israeli officials not to comment - responded by saying that Israel is fighting a “just war like no other,” and that Israel’s commitment to international law is “unwavering,” as he put it.

For his part, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said - via X - that Israel does not need “morality lectures” from the International Court of Justice in order to distinguish between civilians in the Gaza Strip.

In this context, the United States sided with Israel, saying that “allegations of genocide against Israel are baseless.”

But Amnesty International confirmed, in a statement, that Israel must comply with the ruling of the International Court of Justice by doing everything in its power to prevent genocide against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Female captives

Following the International Court’s decision, the Al-Qassam Brigades published a video clip of three captured female soldiers demanding that the Israeli government stop the war and return them to their homes, amid increasing pressure on the Israeli government to end the war and return the detainees alive.

The female prisoners stressed that the continuation of the war endangered their lives, and confirmed that the Israeli army had killed prisoners who were with them.

The bank

Within the escalating tension in the West Bank against the backdrop of the ongoing occupation storming its cities and villages since the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, Al Jazeera’s correspondent said that clashes broke out between Palestinian resistance fighters and the Israeli occupation forces following their storming of the city of Tubas in the northern West Bank.

Local Palestinian platforms broadcast scenes showing an Israeli special force storming the Qalandia camp, north of occupied Jerusalem, on Friday morning.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza

In the latest statistics, the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip announced that the number of victims of the Israeli aggression had risen to 26,83 martyrs and 64,487 injured.

The Ministry of Health said that 150 employees, 350 patients, and hundreds of displaced families are in the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Yunis, amid “catastrophic conditions,” as it put it.

The Ministry explained that the occupation committed 19 massacres, claiming 183 martyrs and 377 injuries during the past 24 hours.

She also pointed out that about 600,000 citizens in the northern Gaza Strip are exposed to death due to famine, the spread of diseases, and Israeli bombing.

For its part, the United Nations Human Rights Office warned that the cold, rainy weather in Gaza makes it completely uninhabitable for life as the Israeli aggression continues.

Among other developments, Al Jazeera's correspondent said that the occupation forces blew up facilities and homes west of the city of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip.

The Israeli occupation army called on residents of a number of neighborhoods west of the city of Khan Yunis to evacuate their homes and go to the nearby town of Al-Mawasi in the southern Gaza Strip.

Israel's losses

In terms of losses, the occupation army announced the killing of an officer with the rank of major from the Givati ​​Brigade in Gaza, and the wounding of 47 officers and soldiers during the past 24 hours.

As for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, it announced that its fighters clashed with an Israeli foot force of 8 soldiers in Sheikh Ajlin near Gaza City, and that they killed and wounded its members.

Netanyahu's popularity

Following the war on Gaza and the occupation’s inability to achieve its declared goals, most notably the elimination of Hamas and the release of its detainees, a Maariv newspaper poll reported that the popularity of the “Official Camp” party in Israel, led by Minister in the War Council Benny Gantz, had more than tripled.

The Red Sea

On the Yemen front, the British Maritime Trade Operations Authority said on Friday that a ship about 60 nautical miles from the Yemeni city of Hodeidah reported hearing an explosion and seeing missiles a few miles from its location.

The authority added that another explosion at sea was detected about 0.5 nautical miles from the ship. It was reported that the crew and ship were fine.


As for the Lebanon front, Al Jazeera’s correspondent reported that 8 missiles were fired from southern Lebanon towards Israeli positions in the occupied Shebaa Farms.

On the other hand, Al Jazeera's correspondent said that Israeli aircraft launched a raid on the vicinity of the town of Aitaroun in southern Lebanon.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies