EFE Sanaa (Yemen)

Sanaa (Yemen)

Updated Friday, January 26, 2024-22:10

  • Yemen US and UK launch new attacks against Houthi rebels

  • Crisis US bombs Houthi positions in Yemen for the second time in 24 hours


Shiite Houthi

rebels of


today claimed responsibility for the attack with several missiles against a British oil tanker that ended up in flames due to the impact of the projectiles while it was sailing in the Gulf of Aden, near the

Red Sea.

"The Yemeni (Houthi) naval forces carried out an operation against the British oil tanker

Marlin Luanda

in the

Gulf of Aden,

using several appropriate naval missiles, the attack was direct and resulted in the burning of the ship," the military spokesman said today Houthi,

Yehya Sarea,

on his official X account.

The Houthi spokesman stated that the rebel forces, which are supported by


will continue their military operations to impose a blockade on Israeli shipping in the Red and


Seas until a ceasefire is achieved in


and the ceasefire is lifted. siege imposed on the Palestinian enclave.


British Navy

today reported two new attacks against ships sailing in the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of Yemen, one of which burned due to the impact of several projectiles that caused a fire on board that required extinguishing work.

The Houthis, backed by Iran, claim that since November 19 they have launched more than 200 drones and 50 missiles against Western commercial vessels and warships in the Red Sea with the aim of economically harming Israel


in support of the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip.

The tension in the area has caused the main shipping companies worldwide to continue adjusting their routes to avoid transiting through this sea route, through which 8% of the world's grain trade, 12% of the oil trade and 8% of the world trade in liquefied natural gas.