On Friday, Österängen's art gallery will open a pop-up venue on Hoppets torg, which will be open for two months.

Operations manager Johanna Linder hopes that the art gallery will move down to the center of Jönköping to attract a younger audience. The first exhibitors are two young Jönköping artists.

- It is so important to have younger artists, as an art gallery we are dependent on regrowth, says operations manager Johanna Linder.

Want to attract new target group

One of the exhibitors is Nisse Nyström, who studied at Mullsjö Folk College.

- Those who go to Österängen's art gallery are more aware that they should go there and look at art, here maybe more people just pass by and look in, says Nisse Nyström.

In April, Österängen's art gallery is expected to be ready for opening again.

See Nisse and Unni's preparations for the exhibition in the clip above.