Noa de la Torre Valencia


Updated Friday, January 26, 2024-11:38

  • Politics Ferraz tightens the siege on Page to save his strategy against the PP: "This controversy does not benefit the PSOE"

Emiliano García-Page is, in the eyes of the Government, on the "outskirts of the PSOE for quite some time." The phrase was pronounced in a graphic way by the Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, and came to summarize the artillery that the PSOE has deployed against the president of

Castilla-La Mancha

, the only one who has practically dared to question the amnesty law and who In parallel, he has sealed an agreement with several barons of the PP to put the ball of regional financing in Moncloa's court. But this is not the only deal that will bring Page closer to his


counterparts .

If the PSOE has been insinuating that somehow Page is not in the PSOE (of Pedro Sánchez), the truth is that the Castilian-La Mancha president shows that he is on his own. The Valencian president, Carlos Mazón, revealed this Friday that he is preparing, together with Page, a major institutional agreement, since with him he will seek to eliminate 'de facto' "health borders."

Mazón, who was one of the barons who starred in the famous image of the autonomous conspiracy for financing in


, has advanced in a Las Provincias forum that Castilla-La Mancha will also be the first region with which an alliance of this kind will be formalized. guy. The objective will be none other than to coordinate health care between both communities, although Mazón has not missed the political overtone that it will have.

"I understand the morbidity of the group with García-Page, but we talk often. Things unite us," Mazón assured. In fact, this agreement so that citizens of one community can be treated in the other and vice versa in case of health emergency will arrive despite the confrontation over the


transfer .

"You can go deeper into self-government, but we are also all Spaniards. Why are there bureaucratic limits on health borders?" asked the president of the Generalitat. Castilla-La Mancha will be the first, but Mazón's purpose is to extend the alliance to


and "if they want, the Catalans too."

Mazón not only digs into the wound of the division in the PSOE, as he has also had no problems in recognizing that, on the issue of regional financing, the PP's criteria are not unanimous either. "I know that there are positions that I am putting on the table that will not have the PP agreement at the regional level, but I am going to do it," he stressed.