The large temperature changes recently have caused an unusual number of potholes to appear on the roads in the county. In the winter, the potholes are caused by water seeping into the small cavities in the road, when the temperature changes around zero, the ice expands and the hole gets bigger.

- What is unusual now is that we have had very cold and very hot weather in a very short time. Normally, when the frost leaves the ground, it is about 6–8 weeks. Now we had a temperature change of 24–30 degrees within a day, says Mikael Arvidsson.

Compensation for damages

Regarding the possibility of receiving compensation, Mikael Arvidsson refers to the carriage insurance and the own insurance on the car. But there is an opportunity to receive compensation from the municipality.

- On the occasions that the municipality has not remedied, a damage known to us, within a reasonable and reasonable time there is the possibility to make demands on the municipality, says Mikael Arvidsson.

The holes that are repaired are the holes that the street office is aware of, and in order for there to be any action, it is important to report faults in the correct way, via the municipality's various fault reporting services, says Mikael Arvidsson.

- Then we get a case and can follow up and handle it, he says.

In the clip, unit manager Mikael Arvidsson talks about the temporary repair.