India: in New Delhi, Macron and Modi display their good understanding at the Republic Day parade

This January 26, Emmanuel Macron attended the Republic Day parade in New Delhi, the celebration of the Indian Constitution, of which he is the guest of honor this year. In 2023, it was Narendra Modi who was on the Champs-Élysées for July 14. On this occasion, the two leaders once again displayed their good understanding.

French President Emmanuel Macron (l.) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 25 in Jaipur. AFP - LUDOVIC MARIN

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Emmanuel Macron and Narendra Modi were seated side by side on the official platform installed on Kartavya Path, Avenue du Devoir, to watch the Republic Day parade, the celebration of the Indian Constitution, which came into force on January 26, 1950, for which the French president arrived in a carriage, says our special correspondent on site,

Valérie Gas

. For about two hours, soldiers marched on foot, on vehicles and even camels. France was represented by a detachment of legionnaires in sand uniforms and white caps. It was a spectacular parade where all the states of the country were represented by colorful floats.

Aerial parade

The diversity of Indian strategic partners is in the sky, above Emmanuel Macron and Narendra Modi, reports our correspondent in New Delhi,

Sébastien Farcis

 : Russian Sukhoi fighters, American C-130s, and above all, French


. Which are part of the 36 fighter planes purchased from France and integrated into the Indian Air Force over the last three years. Two other


, from the French army, accompanied them for the occasion. The French president is also there to finalize the sale - well advanced - of 26 other


, for the Indian navy. And thus confirm France's place as India's second supplier of military equipment.

The Republic Day parade, in New Delhi, January 26, 2024. AFP - MONEY SHARMA

The Republic Day parade is also the moment when India presents its values, through large paintings: with three new products. Women are highlighted, both in the military and civilian part, the god Ram, whose large temple was inaugurated by the Prime Minister, made a grandiose appearance, and a painting presented India as the "mother of democracy ". An assertion based on a rewriting of history, and which may appear questionable to the French president, while New Delhi threatens to expel a French journalist,

Vanessa Dougnac

, because of her work deemed too critical of the country.


This festive and symbolic moment was also supposed to illustrate the partnership between France and India through the relationship between the two leaders that the Indian Prime Minister, who is on an electoral campaign, did everything to showcase on the occasion of the French visit. Thus, in Jaipur, where Narendra Modi welcomed Emmanuel Macron yesterday, each pole on the road to the airport was decorated with a poster of the two men hugging each other. In the entourage of the Head of State, we describe “ 

a very strong relationship 

” between Emmanuel Macron and Narendra Modi. A relationship that the President of the Republic wants to maintain, because India is a “


” to a strategic region for French interests.

Read alsoEmmanuel Macron guest of honor in India, a visit with multiple challenges


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