Palestinians in Ramallah directly follow the International Court of Justice’s pronouncement of its decision (Anatolia)

Today, Friday, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) welcomed the decision of the International Court of Justice regarding the lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel, accusing it of committing “genocide” in Gaza, considering that it “means stopping all forms of aggression” against the Palestinian people.

The movement called on the international community to "compel the enemy to implement the court's decisions and stop the ongoing crime of genocide" in Gaza.

She also said that she "looks forward to the final decisions of the court convicting the occupying state of committing the crime of genocide and crimes against humanity," appreciating what she described as the "genuine position" of the Republic of South Africa and its support for the Palestinian people and the justice of their cause.

For its part, the Palestinian Authority stressed that the court’s request to Israel to do everything in its power to prevent any acts of genocide in Gaza “reminds the world that no state is above the law.”

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said - in a video clip - “The fateful decision of the International Court of Justice reminds the world that no state is above the law and that justice applies to everyone and puts an end to Israel’s culture of crime and impunity, which was represented by decades of occupation, ethnic cleansing, persecution and apartheid.”

The International Court of Justice ordered Israel to take measures to prevent genocide in Gaza and direct incitement to it, and also rejected the Israeli request to dismiss the lawsuit brought by South Africa.

A large majority of members of the court's 17-judge panel voted in favor of taking urgent measures that meet most of what South Africa requested, with the exception of directing an order to stop the war on Gaza.

Right to protection

The court said in the text read by the judges that Israel must take “all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of the Genocide Convention.”

The court stated that it recognizes the right of Palestinians in Gaza to protection from acts of genocide, stressing that the conditions are available to impose temporary measures on Israel.

She added that Israel must commit to avoiding everything related to killing, assault and destruction against the residents of Gaza and to ensure the immediate provision of urgent humanitarian needs in the Strip.

Also under the ruling, Israel must submit a report to the court within a month on all interim measures.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies