
Updated Friday, January 26, 2024-10:57

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King Felipe VI has attended the funeral of César Alierta by surprise. Dozens of personalities have come to say goodbye to the former president of Telefónica, who died last Wednesday, January 10 at the age of 78, due to a heart condition that he had been suffering from for several years

and that worsened, causing an infection in his lungs. .

The Madrid church of San Francisco de Borja, located on Calle Serrano in the capital, has been the place chosen to celebrate the mass. Among all those present, the presence of the King stood out, who was accompanied by the jurist, Jaime Alfonsín, who since June 23, 2014, has served as head of the King's Majesty's House.

Having just arrived from the trip he made to Asturias this Thursday, on the occasion of the closing of ALSA's centenary at the Oviedo bus station and where he also took the opportunity to visit the Mantequerías Arias factory, the monarch has returned to his official commitments in the capital. After 8 in the afternoon, the King went to the Jesuit temple

to accompany the businessman's family

in their final farewell. Upon his arrival, dressed in a perfect black suit, combined with a white shirt, Felipe greeted the media who were gathered in the emblematic Madrid neighborhood. It should be noted that his presence at Alierta's funeral in this event was not planned in the official agenda of his commitments.

From mid-2002 to April 2016, César Alierta served as president of Telefónica, the main telecommunications operator in our country. Beyond his business role, he stood out for constantly supporting the monarchy. Until his death,

Alierta recognized the "fundamental" importance of Don Juan Carlos I

in placing Spain on the international stage after the years of banning of the dictatorship, providing personal support to the Royal Family in every way possible.

To know more


The discreet life of César Alierta: his long marriage to Ana Cristina Placer and his relationship with Isabel Sartorius


The discreet life of César Alierta: his long marriage to Ana Cristina Placer and his relationship with Isabel Sartorius

Apart from what was mentioned above, César Alierta and King Felipe VI share a significant bond: Isabel Sartorius, who was one of the deceased's great relationships. Isabel, Felipe's ex-girlfriend and daughter of Vicente Sartorius y Cabeza de Vaca, IV Marquis of Mariño and Isabel Zorraquín y de Corral, connects these stories.

Felipe and Isabel had a relationship when he was Prince of Asturias,

meeting in the spring of 1989 at a conference on Peru in Madrid. On the other hand, in 2017, the story between Sartorius and Caesar began as a friendship that evolved into a discreet romance.