China News Service, Beijing, January 25 (Reporter Li Chun) Wu Qian, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, pointed out at a regular press conference on the 25th that Taiwan will never be a country, "Taiwan independence" will never be achieved, and external forces will divide China. His plot will never succeed.

  A reporter asked that day. According to reports, Taiwan’s foreign affairs department said that the mainland’s questions and answers on Taiwan’s election were inconsistent with international understanding and the current situation across the Taiwan Strait, and called on the mainland to respect the election results. What is the spokesperson’s comment?

  Wu Qian pointed out that Taiwan’s elections are China’s local affairs. The results of the two elections in Taiwan this time show that the Democratic Progressive Party does not represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. No matter how the situation on the island changes, it is impossible to change the basic fact that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is a part of China. It is impossible to change the general consensus of the international community to adhere to the one-China principle. It is impossible to change the historical trend that China will eventually achieve reunification.

  Wu Qian said that 80 years ago, China, the United States and Britain issued the Cairo Declaration, which clearly stipulated that "Taiwan, the Chinese territory stolen by Japan, should be returned to China." Article 8 of the "Potsdam Declaration" jointly issued by China, the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union in 1945 stipulated that "the provisions of the Cairo Declaration must be implemented." Resolution 2758 passed by the 26th United Nations General Assembly in 1971 made it clear that there is only one China in the world, and there are no "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan". This series of documents with international legal effect confirms the historical and legal fact that Taiwan is an inalienable territory of China.

  Wu Qian emphasized that China's sovereignty and territory have never been divided, and the legal status and fact that Taiwan is part of China's territory have never changed. This is the true status quo of the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan will never be a country, "Taiwan independence" will never be achieved, and external forces' attempts to split China will never succeed. The reunification of the motherland, Taiwan Angelica. The Chinese People's Liberation Army will speak for itself with actions and will always serve as the Great Steel Wall to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

  Wu Qian also pointed out that Taiwan is a sacred and indivisible part of China's territory, and the Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests. "We insist on striving for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and our best efforts. But if the 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces provoke and force or even break the red line, we will have to take drastic measures to resolutely defend the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity. This is more than 1.4 billion The firm will of the Chinese people is also the sacred mission of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.” (End)