Cities in the West Bank witness confrontations between Palestinians and the occupation army in conjunction with the war on Gaza (Reuters)

Armed clashes broke out between Palestinian resistance fighters and the Israeli occupation forces during their storming of the city of Tubas in the northern West Bank, as a continuation of the incursions carried out by the occupation in conjunction with its war on the Gaza Strip.

The occupation forces surrounded several sites in Tubas, and deployed snipers in some buildings.

The Israeli occupation forces stormed the Shuafat refugee camp, north of the occupied city of Jerusalem, coinciding with the closure of the military checkpoint at the entrance to the camp.

Earlier, the Israeli occupation forces stormed Manger Square in the center of Bethlehem and attacked Palestinian police officers present at the place.

Manger Square is considered one of the main landmarks under the security and civil control of the Palestinian Authority in the occupied West Bank.

Yesterday, Thursday, the people of the village of Bir Al-Basha (south of the city of Jenin in the West Bank) mourned the body of the martyr Wissam Khashan, one of the leaders of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Jenin.

The Israeli police published a video clip taken by the helmet camera of an officer in the Musta'ribin unit, and said that he was the one who shot Khashan.

The Israeli army announced yesterday that it launched operations in many cities and villages in the occupied West Bank, where a Palestinian was killed and 16 people were arrested.

A third intifada

On the other hand, Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said that Israeli security officials warned that political leaders might cause a “third intifada” in the West Bank due to the decision to prevent Palestinians from entering Israel for work.

The Israeli newspaper quoted a security official as saying, “The same politicians who incite and demand the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority, and insist on preventing Palestinian workers from entering, are leading - unknowingly and perhaps intentionally - to a third intifada.”

The West Bank is witnessing a wave of tension and field confrontations between Palestinians and the occupation army, coinciding with a devastating war launched by Israel on the Gaza Strip, which left massive infrastructure destruction and tens of thousands of martyrs and wounded, most of them children and women, in addition to an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.

Source: Al Jazeera