China News Service, London, January 26 (Peng Xinyi) From January 24 to 26, local time, more than 200 primary and secondary school teachers and students from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China participated in the 2024 British Education Training and Technology Exhibition (BETT London) , demonstrating classroom technological innovations to more than 30,000 attendees.

  The exhibition is an international education technology exhibition and conference event that brings together education practitioners, technology entrepreneurs, school administrators and government representatives from around the world to showcase the latest educational technology innovation practices.

  The Secretary for Education of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Ms. Choi Ruolin, led a delegation to visit the exhibition and interacted with participating teachers and students at the event to learn about the design ideas and application scenarios of students' innovative achievements. She said that the Hong Kong SAR government hopes to cultivate students' interest in science from an early age through practical activities inside and outside the classroom.

  Cai Ruolian said: "Although the students are young, they showed confidence in the product during the bilingual introduction process. They not only paid attention to technical applications, but also paid great attention to humanistic care, such as seeing the needs of the elderly and the need for healthy living. needs, the importance of environmental protection, etc. I am very happy to see them using technology and imagination to realize their ideas.”

  Zheng Haoyuan, Wu Qianyu, and Lu Zhiyin from Qiu Jinqiu Middle School demonstrated at the exhibition an instrument they designed to move hand joints and help finger rehabilitation. Their design was inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals they learned about in class.

  Zheng Haoyuan said that this exchange trip to London also inspired them to expand the application scenarios of their products: "Foreigners have many different living habits and different needs from us. For example, some people suggested that we can transform it into a fitness equipment. We listened to After I arrived, I thought it was a very good idea.”

  They also said that they may consider using artificial intelligence to further improve their products in the future.

  Jin Weiming, principal of Bishop Ho Ming-wah Secondary School of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, believes that introducing new technologies such as artificial intelligence into primary and secondary education is a global trend. Under the wave of technology, teaching students to use these tools in an ethical, reasonable and wise manner is also the direction of primary and secondary education in Hong Kong. (over)