Europa Press Palencia


Updated Friday, January 26, 2024-18:43

The Court of First Instance and Instruction number 5 of Palencia has sentenced the councilor and VOX deputy in the capital's City Council and in the Provincial Council,

Ricardo Carrancio

, to pay a fine of 450 euros for calling him "fucking lame" and hitting the height of a handicapped man's chest with his hand.

The event took place last

April 2023

when Carrancio was walking his dog through the Hall and scolded the complainant because he had his dog loose.

As reflected in the sentence, to which Europa Press has had access, the complainant's version has been corroborated by the

worker of a restaurant in the area

who heard the insults. While the witnesses of the accused have contributed "little or nothing" to the case.

Likewise, it emphasizes that "it has been proven that the accused gave the complainant, without causing injuries,

at least one blow with his hand at chest level

and referred to him as being totally lame" and although it is a crime mild, which does not violate the physical integrity of people, and did not require medical attention, it does violate the dignity of people.


The reactions have not been long in coming and the Izquierda Unida- Podemos group in the capital's city hall

has already requested the resignation

of the Vox councilor for "not tolerable" behavior in a public position.

Thus, in a statement, the group's councilor,

Rodrigo Sanmartín

, warns that if he does not resign his membership as councilor for violating people's dignity, his party will be required to expel him from it.