Gema Peñalosa Madrid


Updated Friday, January 26, 2024-10:33

Yousef Mohamed Lehrech

, alias

El Pastilla

, - the dangerous 20-year-old criminal who escaped from the

Alcalá Meco

prison on Christmas Eve - was sheltered by a family from Colonia (Germany) since he escaped from the Alcalá Meco prison. The Police were tracking him from Montpellier and identified him by comparing his fingerprints.

Investigators from the Fugitive Location Section of the National Police had an investigation open through the ENFAST Network that placed him in German territory.

The analysis that the investigators did with the analysis of the escape and the itinerary followed by the fugitive after the escape, allowed the opening of an international line of investigation into his possible whereabouts in Montpellier. This line of investigation made it possible to contact FAST France, with whom verification work was started on a possible stay in the French country.

However, the investigation led to Germany where information was obtained that "El Pastilla" was sheltered by a family in Cologne.

A person similar to the fugitive was seen by a closed-circuit television camera near the home, but his identity was not certain.

After carrying out facial comparison checks against ABIS with the General Scientific Police Station-Physionomic Group, the positive verification was obtained that it was 'El Pastilla'.

For this reason, the fugitives' counterparts in Germany were requested to pay maximum attention to the possible movements of this person and his surroundings, establishing an alert regarding him, which led to his arrest yesterday afternoon near Leipzig station. When he was detected, he could not be identified, proving that it was the same person when performing the fingerprint comparison.

During the time he has been on the run, the young man has been concerned with

maintaining a low profile

to go as unnoticed as possible and evade the control of the agents. The investigation now focuses on possible accomplices that he may have had.

Investigators from the Fugitive Location Section of the National Police had

an investigation open

through the ENFAST Network that placed him in German territory. As EL MUNDO has learned, the young man had been


for days.

During the time he has been on the run, the young man has been concerned with

maintaining a low profile

to go as unnoticed as possible and evade the control of the agents. The investigation now focuses on possible accomplices that he may have had.

El Pastilla


become one of the most wanted fugitives

in the country due to his violent nature and the circumstances in which he escaped from prison, since

he bypassed all the controls

and left on his own without anyone telling him. prevented

El Pastilla

had two authorized meetings with his family on December 23. He carried out the first,

a communication in the parlour

. When he was going to the room to have a family visit, that was when he took the opportunity to escape from the prison. The prisoner

walked straight out the front door

that afternoon. He did so confused among the relatives who had come to visit the inmates before Christmas.

In the recordings of the prison's security cameras, it can be seen, as revealed by sources familiar with the investigation opened by Penitentiary Institutions, that the young man

takes advantage of the movement of people

to mix with the rest of the people who had gone to visit their relatives. , avoiding the official who returned the identity cards.

The structure of the Meco prison did not help - it is an old prison with a large inmate population -

but rather contributed to possible human errors

that could have facilitated the escape. After the escape, they published the image of the fugitive.

El Pastilla

comes from a broken family and was recruited by the

Los Tayena

gang while he was still a minor. He is a native of Ceuta and police sources consulted indicate that he has numerous police records prior to the

two crimes attributed to him


His escape caused a stir in the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions which, as EL MUNDO reported, has already charged three officials for the escape.