— Mr. President, how would you characterize today’s relations between the Republika Srpska and the Russian Federation? What do you expect from their development?

— Our bilateral relations are excellent. They are stable, full of mutual respect and strong. The considerable challenges that both Russia and we have faced have not only not shaken, but even strengthened our partnership and friendship. It was very difficult for Russia to defend the interests of our side within the framework of international forums, and now the time has come for us to demonstrate our commitment to partnership. Despite the fact that the West, abusing its undoubted political power, and sometimes resorting to brute force, tried to force all countries to condemn Russia and impose sanctions against it, we, on behalf of the Republika Srpska, said that this would not happen, and we did not allow Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the restrictions.

Some irresponsible diplomatic representatives of the Bosniak people at international forums tried to give consent (to the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation. -


), were not approved by the official bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We believe that Moscow is pursuing the right policy and, while defending its sovereignty, had the right to assess the threats that exist to it. And if someone believes - and this is primarily the USA and Great Britain - that they have the right to completely subjugate Ukraine, making it a springboard for an attack on Russia, then Moscow had every reason to at least protect the huge number of Russians who live in Ukraine and from whom the Kiev authorities took away the right to the Russian language.

Last year, it was a great honor for me to present Russian President Vladimir Putin with the highest award of Republika Srpska in honor of Republic Day and later present it to him personally. This is a great honor for our people, and for me personally it is a source of pride. I think that we are now at the stage when our friendship does not require new evidence.

I would like (and I believe that this will be the case) for Russia to emerge from this situation, becoming even stronger, and its geopolitical role increasing. Because the ugly liberal system of the West, which imposes its interests and values ​​on other countries with ultimatums, can be restrained exclusively by the powerful system that only Russia can build.

I would like President Putin to receive maximum support from the people in the elections. He is a strong leader. And he deserves it, and if any Russians suddenly have doubts, they just need to remember what the country was like before him.

Putin has raised Russia, that’s for sure. That's how I see it. And what the world needs now is Putin’s humane political approach. I listened to his speech in Munich at a security conference in 2007, and everything that has happened in recent years, he then predicted word for word.

However, the West behaved arrogantly and, reveling in its own sense of superiority, ignored everyone, including Russia, which has never been a country to be ignored. As a politician, I do not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but if we talk about values, you see exactly how the French government is formed and who led it. The future that this circle of people is creating can only cause horror. This is why Putin is so necessary, as well as people like Orban, Vucic and many others: to restore our faith in traditional values ​​and way of life.

— You mentioned a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. What are your impressions of it and what are your expectations from the upcoming meetings in Russia - in April at the Security Forum and in June as part of SPIEF


— It is an honor for me to be invited to this security forum, and I am very grateful to Mr. Patrushev and glad that I had the opportunity to participate in such an event last year. I expect that countries that believe that freedom cannot be achieved through the dominance of a single center in the world will express their commitment to the ideas of mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs, and interstate cooperation, including in the economic sphere.

I would like to note that we received Vladimir Putin’s words with great joy when, answering a question from our journalist (Darinka Petrovich, special correspondent for Alternative Television -


) during the final press conference, he stated that he understands the situation in the Republika Srpska and shares his assessments her leadership. We accepted this event with enthusiasm, and it once again confirms the highest professionalism of the president, who does not miss the opportunity to express support for us in this way.

  • President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik

  • © Administration of the President of the Republika Srpska / Borislav Zdrinja

I also plan to attend the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June and believe that I will have the opportunity to meet there with senior representatives of the Russian government, including my friends such as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. I am always glad to see him, and there is a lot to learn from him - he is the most experienced foreign minister in the world and, of course, deals with the most important relevant facts.

It is worth saying that Russia did not demand anything from Ukraine except neutrality and respect for the rights of all people living there. This is an absolutely legitimate reason - what's wrong with it? What is abnormal is that the British, Germans and Americans installed the regime they needed in Kyiv, and did not stop there. At these meetings, I would like to receive additional information about the development of the situation (in Ukraine. -


) and am solely interested in Russia emerging from this conflict not with a small victory, but with a great one! Of course, it’s not my place to advise, but my opinion is this: given the fact that the entire West, using Ukraine, got involved in a war against Russia, Moscow should redefine the goals of the special military operation so that they completely change Russia’s positioning in the world. Later you will see for yourself: this will help not only Russia, but also the whole world, which is so eager for these changes.

— Do you think that events related to the Northern Military District are helping to weaken Western dominance? How does this affect political processes in your region?

“We inevitably come into contact with the Western world, and we have withstood their incredibly cruel sanctions. We twice withstood NATO aggression and demonization on their part - and we understood that perhaps the main target was not us, but, as it became clear later, the Russian Federation and its resources. And the global position of Russia and China, as well as the entire BRICS, suggests that there is a significant part of the world that has already been partially liberated (from Western influence. -


). And what, say, would Bosnia and Herzegovina gain from joining anti-Russian sanctions? What is her interest here? Just to keep the Americans, Germans and British happy? This is insignificant!

History has shown more than once: as soon as they try to squeeze Russia from all sides, it rises and wins. And this happened more than once. And now Russia will only become stronger, including economically, which is already happening: it has become the fifth economy in the world, while Germany has lost this position. And the question involuntarily arises: what is the point of the G7 if Russia is not in it?

At the same time, Europe has long trampled on the core values ​​for which it stood. Europe is primarily a Christian community, which, due not only to being settled by migrants professing a different religion (which should not be a problem), but also to ignoring its original values, has fallen into cultural regression and promotes what is contrary to human nature.

If you look, Europe today has nothing: no gas, no oil, no natural resources like coal or rare metals, which it received from Russia and some other countries, ensuring its technological development. There are no worthy political leaders there: everyone who governs it today is very weak, and there is a reduction in human resources. Every day we see problems in France. Right-wing forces are gaining the upper hand in the Netherlands, in Germany the government is on the verge of resignation, in Poland there is a serious conflict between the ruling party and the opposition. The only country where there is complete order is Hungary, and now Slovakia, where Fico defends the interests of his people. It is possible that Europe, under the leadership of the United States, will eventually lose the foundations of its existence. Therefore, in a geopolitical sense, Europe has a bleak future, according to my forecasts.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the important and growing role of BRICS, which has surpassed the G7 in its economic resources: it has a stronger economy, higher incomes, a more powerful industry, a younger population ready to work, unlike the aging West.

— Officially, BiH strives to join the EU, and you have declared your commitment to the “European path,” but recently you have repeatedly mentioned growing disappointment in European integration and called BRICS a more promising alternative. How real is it?

“Europe has destabilized itself. This whole narrative about the “European path” already looks hypocritical. Most Serbs will say: “Yes, we want to go to Europe - the one that existed before, when there were still hopes that the European Union was a prosperity and it had enough funds for development.” However, Europe has squandered its money funding Zelensky and Ukraine, and is sliding into an ever-increasing crisis. And therefore the EU is now of much less interest to our society than it was five years ago. But still, the West is making very serious efforts to impose these “European values”. And one way or another, there’s nothing much we can do about it – especially for us, because we are surrounded by EU and NATO countries.

  • President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik

  • © Administration of the President of the Republika Srpska / Borislav Zdrinja

We remained the only oasis - only Republika Srpska and Serbia openly declared that they did not want to join NATO. As for the “European path,” it always depends more on Brussels than on us. As you can see, at one point all the criteria for joining the EU were ignored: the absence of territorial conflicts, the stability of the country, the implementation of certain reforms. They immediately gave Ukraine candidate status. Nobody knows what the European Union will ultimately look like.

Europeans, of course, can imagine that Ukraine will return to its 2014 borders. But it’s one thing to dream, and another to evaluate how real it is. This is definitely not feasible! What kind of Ukraine will you accept then? Do you really think that because of the conflict that you finance at the expense of Germany and France (and do this because you are vassals of America), all other countries will also have to work only for Ukraine, if only it would fight with Russia? Of course they won't. Therefore, this whole situation with European integration is extremely complicated.

Officially, I will tell you that we are on the “European path” and are negotiating accession, but we do not feel any enthusiasm about this.

Regarding BRICS, I believe that the sooner a country joins it, the more additional benefits it receives. And the later we enter there, the less benefit we will derive. If I could decide on behalf of Bosnia, I would have already entered it into BRICS or submitted an application. The reality is that we Serbs would happily do this. But, on the other hand, in BiH there is a Bosniak structure that is extremely servile towards the United States and acts on their instructions. Therefore, this is not yet possible. Maybe another option will appear - if one day the BRICS leaders approve a certain status for the autonomous regions. And I would immediately submit an application (from the Republika Srpska. -


) to be accepted as an observer or allowed to become part of the BRICS agreements in the economic sphere.

— What is the West’s strategy in the region? What pressure is being exerted by the US and EU on Republika Srpska?

“They demand that everyone here submit to them, that the local elites be as obedient as possible and follow their orders. But I believe that the United States is aware of the changes that are taking place - the transition from unipolarity to multipolarity, and at the same time they need resources, for which they need countries where they can come and feel their power.

We believed that the Dayton Accords would give us the opportunity to establish a distinction with the Muslims, that is, the Bosniaks, and with the Croats, so that we could peacefully build a community and protect our interests. However, in order to gain full control, the Americans, during the signing of the Dayton Accords, promised the Bosniaks that these agreements would be dismantled and the country would become unitary. It is this unitarianism that we oppose; this is the key problem for us.

  • Banja Luka

  • © Pierre Crom/Getty Images

We are also under pressure from sanctions: the United States is waging a hybrid war against the Republika Srpska. And a hybrid war always begins and ends with restrictions. The entire top leadership of the Republika Srpska - me, as president, prime minister, speaker of parliament, member of the Presidium of BiH from the Serbian people - is today under US sanctions, which are also supported by the UK. Europe no longer blindly follows the American policy of sanctions, but a significant part of the countries would gladly impose restrictions against us. They want to put pressure primarily on the economy, believing that by blocking the ability to place and transfer funds by controlling banks, they will deprive the Republika Srpska of the ability to fulfill its obligations. And they expect that this will provoke social problems and unrest, which will lead to some of their minions seizing power in the country.

The pressure is also expressed in the ban on investing in the Republika Srpska - it has already been introduced by the German government. They are trying to disqualify our entrepreneurs at the regional and pan-European levels. And they achieve this with the help of non-governmental organizations, throwing various misinformation into the media, the falsity of which is revealed a year later, and even then this still has to be proven in court. That's why so much money is poured into NGOs. Soros and his organizations have been working here for a long time and actively - we have been observing all this for the last 30 years, and the only good thing is that during this time our people have developed immunity against such methods and no one believes Western propaganda anymore. Therefore, in any situation, people will make a choice in favor of preserving the Republika Srpska.

— That is, the United States is putting pressure on the Republika Srpska in order to abolish it in the future and completely control all of Bosnia, but for this they need to remove you one way or another?

- A clear example of pressure: while we were celebrating Republic Day - January 9, the Americans sent F-16 planes on this very day - the same ones that dropped bombs with depleted uranium on us in the 1990s - to fly low over the capital, creating making noise and showing their presence. Like, God forbid, if we think of something, then planes will immediately fly in behind our heads.

As president, I have information that the United States is using drones to monitor all strategic targets in the Republika Srpska. They are trying to intimidate us and show that they are a force that can do anything to us in an instant. We already know this, nothing new. And this arrogant force, for which there are no principles or laws, brought a German into the country, who was proclaimed High Representative, and gave him unlimited powers to make laws (we are talking about Christian Schmidt, a German politician, whose appointment to the position of High Representative was not approved by the UN Security Council and, therefore, illegitimate, but supported by Western countries. -



He adopted the most shameful law, which states: whoever does not comply with his decisions is sent to prison for a term of from six months to five years. And since I did not obey any of his decisions, a lawsuit has been going on against me for four months. Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina also agree with such arrogant behavior of the Americans, whose protege single-handedly makes laws. But the UN Security Council did not appoint this High Representative, and even if it did, he would still not have such powers.

An absurd situation has also developed in the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which includes three foreign judges: a German, a Swiss of German origin and an Albanian (a total of nine judges: two from Bosniaks, two from Croats, two from Serbs, so three foreign judges, together with Bosniaks, always have majority. -


). Serbs remember who historically has always been their friend and who has been their enemy. And speaking of enemies, we can definitely note that the Germans attacked the Serbs twice - both in the First and Second World Wars - and inflicted enormous damage on us, killing a significant number of people. But here we have two Germans in the Constitutional Court, we also have Schmidt, who calls himself High Representative without any reason, but the Muslim judges in Sarajevo support all this and abuse the judicial system by starting a criminal trial against me to try to break the people Republika Srpska.

- In fact, they want to ban you from engaging in politics so that you will not be able to stand for election again. Will Republika Srpska accept this ban?

— The first thought that arises: it means they know that I will win again, so they want to ban me from participating in politics in this way. All this is possible. We are under the colonial rule of the West, and we, the Serbs, have been completely disarmed by NATO here: while in the Muslim-Croat part of BiH there are ten weapons production facilities, there are none in the Republika Srpska.

All that remains is the political struggle, and I am very grateful to Russia for its principled position in the UN, in the Security Council and for the fact that it honestly reveals the truth about what is happening there. The West constantly names the Republika Srpska as a source of problems. The question arises: how is it possible that the blame always lies with only one people? Now, with the help of this illegitimate High Representative, they are trying to impose on us a law that takes away all property and public goods from the Republika Srpska and transfers ownership rights to the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are the real villains who have united with each other to create additional problems for us.

  • President of the Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik and Russian President Vladimir Putin

  • RIA News

  • © Alexey Filippov

— In your opinion, what is the fate of the Dayton Agreements, of which Russia is the guarantor, and what could replace them?

— At first, the Americans say that the Dayton Agreements were not accepted forever. And in another sentence they already state that Dayton must be respected. They have long ago renounced international law and are trying to subjugate local elites, hiding behind supposed “rules” that they come up with every day they get out of bed.

We are the only ones here who demand that every letter of the Dayton Agreements be respected, but the West labels us “anti-Dayton.”

What to do now? Russia adheres to a truly principled position. But the Dayton Agreements have already been completely destroyed by Washington. Much has been introduced that Dayton had not intended: no country in the world has foreign judges on its constitutional court. They installed an illegitimate High Representative, who hides behind the Dayton agreements, but according to them, he should be appointed by the UN Security Council, which did not happen, but the United States represents him as a plenipotentiary High Representative.

For them, this document is like a self-service cash register: they take what they want, and what they don’t like, they throw out and impose their own programs. Therefore, at the moment I cannot be sure how long our policy will last. Yes, we are trying to return to the original Dayton Agreements, because they maintained a balance between the desires of the peoples and entities in BiH, but no one even wants to hear about it, the West has a completely different agenda.

Ten years ago, no one could have imagined that the West could sink so low. Who would have thought that the UK would leave the European Union? And why does she have this right, but others don’t? East and West Germany have the right to unite, because we are talking about one people, but for some reason the Republika Srpska and Serbia do not have the same right. And if you say this out loud, then you are a dangerous person at whom all the missiles the West has should be aimed.