The current maternity and neonatal department at the Östra hospital was inaugurated in 1968. At that time, almost no children at all survived who were born before week 28. Today, 95 percent survive.

Today, children born as early as week 22 can survive, which places different demands on care than before. Even how to deal with premature babies has changed a lot over time.

- When I started working here, the partner was not allowed to be with them all the time that they get today, then it was visiting hours that applied. Today, we take care of the family as a whole and we don't have room for that in the premises we have now, says Karin Sävman, chief physician at the delivery department at Östra sjukhuset.

Sahlgrenska invests despite savings requirements

Despite the fact that Sahlgrenska University Hospital needs to save around SEK 1.5 billion this year, the construction of the new hospital building must be completed.

- The decision was taken by the regional board already in 2018, according to regional policy and guidelines for the region's management of investments, says Göran Matejka, deputy hospital director at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

- The background is a great need for purpose-built premises according to today's standards. The current building and its care environments were inaugurated more than half a century ago, he says.

According to the region, the cost of the new maternity building will be 2.3 billion and should be ready in 2028.