Also in the summary, Niger, where on January 5, bombs dropped by the Nigerien army in the west of the country, near the border with Burkina Faso, killed civilians. The day after the tragedy, the military in power recognized a mistake without specifying the number of victims.

A drama which revives the question of collateral victims of armed conflicts rarely at the heart of debates around the fight against terrorism.

In Nigeria, At least 55 people were killed in two new attacks Tuesday and Wednesday in Plateau State, in the north-central part of the country. Despite a curfew imposed on Tuesday in the local Mangu district, schools, places of worship and homes were burned and ransacked in both attacks, community leaders said.

In the east of the DRC, fighting between the Congolese army and M23 rebels is intensifying in the town of Mweso, where civilians have been killed in the clashes. Monday, an offensive launched by the FARDC (Armed Forces of the DRC) and armed groups aligned with the government on the town of Mweso (60 km north of Goma), then in the hands of the M23 rebels supported by the Rwandan army, had killed a six-year-old child and injured two civilians.

In Burkina Faso, a famous lawyer and leader of a civil society organization, Guy Hervé Kam, was kidnapped during the night from Wednesday to Thursday in Ouagadougou by men in civilian clothes, his organization announced in a press release. His family denounces an arrest without reason.

In South Africa, two new opposition parties have joined the MPC, a political coalition that now includes 10 parties.

Such an alliance is unprecedented in South Africa.

The objective is to compete with the ANC, the historic party of Nelson Mandela in power for 30 years, during the next presidential election.

The correspondence of Flore Monteau.

We end up in Kenya, where like in many countries around the world, treatment is expensive. To combat this social injustice, a Kenyan company provided these families with first aid training.

The Story of Clarisse Fortuné.

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