Turkey: at the trial of the murder of the Gabonese student, her family denounces the shortcomings of the investigation

In Karabük, in northern Turkey, hearings resumed on Wednesday January 24 in the trial of the murder of Jeannah “Dina” Danys Dinabongho Ibouanga, a 17-year-old Gabonese student whose body was found in a river in March 2023. only one man appears and many questions remain unanswered.

The death of young Gabonese student Jeannah “Dina” Danys Dinabongho Ibouanga not only caused a strong stir in her country of origin, but also in Turkey, particularly in feminist circles.

Here, his portrait during a press conference in Istanbul, July 21, 2023. © Eylul Yasar / AFP

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With our correspondent in Istanbul,

Anne Andlauer


tense hearing at the Karabük court

between the judges and lawyers for Dina's family, in the presence of the young Gabonese's parents.

Once again, the civil party denounced shortcomings in the investigation and called for other investigations on the ground, as well as the hearing of other witnesses.

She accuses the prosecution of not being interested in the facts that occurred before Dina left her home running and crossed paths with her alleged murderer.

Witnesses claimed to have seen her that evening held against her will in the basement of her building.

Her father demanded the “ 


 ”, her mother recalled that the young woman had told him by telephone that she was a victim of racism, sexual harassment and felt in danger.

These remarks did not please the judges: they maintained that there was “ 

no racism in Turkey

 ” and that such accusations damaged the image of Karabük and its inhabitants.

The alleged murderer, the only accused in this trial, denied any role in Dina's death,

the 55-year-old man

asserting that he only wanted to " 


 " the young Gabonese woman by taking her in his car.

The prosecution accuses him of having attempted to sexually assault Dina.

He was kept in detention and the next hearing will take place on April 29.

Read also Death of a Gabonese student in Turkey: a feminist collective calls for an independent investigation


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