Cristina Rubio Barcelona


Updated Thursday, January 25, 2024-22:15

The CNI requested the approval of the Supreme Court to spy on the mobile phone of the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, with the Pegasus software between 2018 and 2020, arguing that he was the one who coordinated the actions of the CDR in Catalonia.

This was alleged by the secret services before the Supreme Court judge in charge of controlling the CNI, as recorded in the records that authorized the use of Pegasus on Aragonès's cell phone, provided by the Government to the judge investigating the espionage of the Catalan president after already declassifying them. whose content EFE has had access to.

Sources from the Generalitat consulted by this newspaper consider that the CNI's argument for tapping the phone is "out of all reality." "They are inventions." "It is totally implausible," they say.

As of today, the judge in the Pegasus case has the orders of the Supreme Court that authorized the espionage of Pere Aragonès, 24 hours before the statement this Friday by videoconference of the former director of the CNI, Paz Esteban. The instructor required complete information after the complaint by the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, for telephone espionage with the Pegasus software when he was economic vice president of Quim Torra's Executive, between 2018 and 2020.

This Friday, Esteban will connect from Madrid by videoconference with the 29th Investigative Court of Barcelona, ​​and the judge and the parties will listen to him from a room in the Ciutat de la Justicia. The declaration will be from 12:00 p.m.

The head of the Court of Instruction number 29 of Barcelona, ​​Satntiago García, requested in November, through a request, this reserved information about the use of punctures from the ERC politician.