Olga R. Sanmartín Madrid


Updated Thursday, January 25, 2024-11:49

  • Education The Government plans to give priority to teachers who teach "socio-affective" Mathematics

  • Education Families triple their spending on private teachers: "We dedicate 671 euros per month to extracurricular activities"

  • Education The 11 autonomies of the PP will promote a common EBAU in contents and date

This Thursday, the

State School Council

unanimously approved a recommendation to ban mobile phones in all preschool and primary schools and to place restrictions in high schools for ESO students.

After holding a meeting chaired by Pedro Sánchez and the Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, a declaration was voted on and approved stating that "in Primary, students do not need to bring mobile phones to the educational center" and "in ESO must be kept off from the entrance to the educational center until the exit", except when it is used for educational purposes supervised by the teacher.

In the recommendation, which will be transferred by the minister to the autonomous communities next week, it warns of "the problems derived from the inappropriate use of mobile devices" due to "the distractions and behaviors against coexistence that their use or presence causes. ", although it is also recognized that they have "educational advantages", both for the "development of digital competence and for methodological innovation and the improvement of school performance."

This document states that, in Early Childhood and Primary Education (from zero to 12 years), "students do not need to bring mobile phones to the educational center, except in those cases in which they are authorized for very specific individual reasons related to health or "other duly justified personal or family circumstances".

Meanwhile, in ESO (12-16 years old), the counselors recommend that, "if you carry your cell phone, it should be kept turned off from the entrance to the educational center until you leave it, including school periods, breaks and other leisure times." rest, complementary activities and extracurricular activities carried out within the framework of the educational center, except when mobile phones are used for supervised educational purposes or when their individual use is necessary for duly justified health reasons.

"In post-compulsory education, by virtue of the autonomy of the centers, their management can regulate the use of mobile phones based on their specific circumstances," adds the recommendation, which recommends accompanying this regulation with other actions.

such as teacher training, tutoring, review of times and schedules and leisure alternatives during recreation time.

Castilla-La Mancha


Castilla y León



, the

Community of Madrid




Murcia, Aragon

have already banned the use of these devices in classrooms, unless they have an educational use and the teacher so determines, while the rest The CCAA have not yet regulated its use but are in the process of doing so.

This Wednesday, Sánchez chaired, together with the minister, the meeting with the

State School Council

, where teachers, parents, students, directors and heads of public, subsidized and private centers, as well as the administrations, are represented. public.

During the meeting, Sánchez and Alegría explained to the members of the educational community the main lines of their "improvement plan" to raise the academic level of Spanish students, given that they have obtained the worst results of the history in


in the latest edition of the PISA Report, which reflects, among other things, that 28% of 15-year-old students do not know how to do a simple operation to get along in life.

The Government wants to reinforce


and Mathematics by dividing classes and increasing tutoring in small groups outside of school hours for lagging students.

It also wants to provide an "economic supplement" to "incentivize" teachers to use active Lomloe methodologies


such as projects, and take into account the "socio-affective" perspective of Mathematics so that students reduce their anxiety towards the subject.

In addition, teacher training will increase:

Early Childhood


Primary teachers will have more specific Mathematics and Language content and



, who are specialists, will receive more classes on didactics and pedagogy.

Teachers view these measures with suspicion because they consider, on the one hand, that they are indirectly being forced to apply methodologies that "have resulted in an academic failure," according to the Critical

Observatory with Educational Reality

, which considers that "it is nonsense." subjecting it to the purchase of wills through monetary prizes close to bribery".

On the other hand, teachers see "a contradiction" in the proposal for pedagogical and didactic training of secondary school specialist teachers, "who do have ample knowledge in this discipline and who, far from being consulted when it comes to improving student results, "They must "recycle" their teaching practices with a greater overload of pedagogical training filtered from the competency model that the government defends at all costs."