Last week, the municipal board announced that they submitted a proposal to the municipal council that Piteå should apply to the government to become a Sami administrative municipality.

However, the application has met with strong opposition from social services and the school, who do not think it is feasible.

Municipal councilor Kata Nilsson (S) does not share that image.

- I do not share the view that it would not be feasible without the investigation that we ordered a year ago to investigate whether we have the conditions, it has arrived now and it highlights that we have the conditions to become a Sami administrative area, she tells SVT Sápmi .

Decision made in February

Decisions in the municipal council must be made on February 12.

- It is very important to remember that minorities are called minorities for a reason.

It would be unhistorical for us not to remember that the Sami population in Sweden has been oppressed and mistreated, deprived of its language and culture, and if we are a serious "Human Rights Municipality" as I want us to be, then it is about strengthening it the culture, the minority, the language and so on, says Nilsson.