EFE Barcelona


Updated Thursday, January 25, 2024-08:16

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The management of the

Andreu Castells school in Sabadell



) has taken the dismissal en bloc after repeated complaints from families about the center's low educational level.

As Catalunya Ràdio

announced this Wednesday

and sources from the Federated Association of Student Families of Catalonia (aFFaC) have confirmed to EFE, the loss of the three members of the management of the public center has led the Department of Education to take control, through educational inspection.

The conflict between families and the school management dates back to 2019, the year since aFFaC has been monitoring complaints

from parents about the low level of education

they consider their children receive.

From aFFaC they assure that the families are at a "critical point" in which "they have lost confidence in the management" and "any patch that is put on is no longer useful."

Added to the feeling of "very low educational level" are the

poor ways

in which the management treats families, as a mother at the school, Verónica Calvo,

explained to

Catalunya Ràdio .

Lack of project

The families had already demonstrated to demand the resignation of the management and, in recent weeks, a group of former teachers have joined the complaint and have signed a statement regretting the

lack of a pedagogical project

at the center.

The Department of Education has confirmed that a team is following the case and that

the inspectorate has assumed the management's functions

since the dismissal occurred last Wednesday.

According to the director of the territorial services of Education in the Vallès Occidental region, Maite Fons, they are working to guarantee normality in the school.

"From the first moment the Department of Education has been physically through the inspection, which has taken the lead; we are working to try to

find an interim management team

to assume the organizational and pedagogical leadership of the center," Fons explained. .

He has assured that the coordinators

and teachers continue to guarantee classes for the students

and has committed to continue talking to the families to "fit together and guarantee that the school functions normally."