The British Foreign Minister expressed the United Kingdom's thanks to Sheikh Tamim for the efforts of the State of Qatar and its endeavors to reduce the escalation and end the war in Gaza (Al Jazeera)

The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, received British Foreign Minister David Cameron on Thursday, and the meeting discussed ways to reach a permanent and immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

A statement from the Amiri Diwan stated that Sheikh Tamim and Cameron reviewed the strong bilateral relations between the two countries and the prospects for strengthening and developing them, in addition to discussing regional and international developments, especially developments in the situation in the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories.

The statement explained that the two parties discussed ways to reach a permanent and immediate ceasefire that would spare the blood of Palestinians, ensure the protection of civilians, and deliver humanitarian aid to those in need in the Strip.

His Highness the Emir receives His Excellency Mr. David Cameron, Foreign Minister of the friendly United Kingdom, and his accompanying delegation, on the occasion of his visit to the country, at the Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Council in the Amiri Diwan.

- The Amiri Diwan (@AmiriDiwan) January 25, 2024

During the interview, the British Foreign Secretary expressed the United Kingdom's thanks to Sheikh Tamim for the efforts of the State of Qatar and its endeavors to reduce the escalation and end the war in Gaza.

For his part, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani, Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, stressed during a separate meeting with Cameron that the priority now must be to end the war in Gaza and prevent its expansion in the region.

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs @MBA_AlThani_ receives the British Foreign Minister #Qatari_Foreign Affairs

- Qatari Foreign Ministry (@MofaQatar_AR) January 25, 2024

For his part, the British Foreign Secretary spoke in an interview with Al Jazeera to be broadcast later about the necessity of reaching a humanitarian ceasefire that would pave the way towards a permanent cessation of the war in Gaza.

Cameron said that the ceasefire is "necessary to get the hostages out and get aid into Gaza," but he considered it "unrealistic to have a ceasefire while Hamas is able to fire rockets at Israel."

He pointed out that "Israel will not accept that Hamas runs the Gaza Strip after the war, and it has the right to do so," adding, "We must distinguish between Hamas and the Palestinian people, and we want a Palestinian authority to run Gaza."

Cameron stressed the importance of "giving the Palestinians a state in which they feel safe," and continued, "We believe in the two-state solution, and we must take advantage of these moments and seize opportunities. War usually ends with a political, not military, solution."

Yesterday, Wednesday, Cameron began a visit to the region during which he met with Palestinian and Israeli officials, and will conclude his tour with a visit to Turkey.

Source: Al Jazeera