RT's interlocutor supported the ban on keeping predatory animals and exotic animals in apartment buildings.

“Of course we support.

We, in principle, advocate tightening the ownership of private individuals and even individual entrepreneurs.

Because nothing prevents an individual from registering as an individual entrepreneur and continuing (his activities. -



This should be done by specialists and rehabilitation centers.

And now they mostly do it for sale... They breed like crazy and breed in terrible conditions.

They are just chasing profit,” Komagina said.

However, commenting on the idea of ​​toughening penalties for organizing apartment “shelters,” the specialist noted that it is necessary to “provide normal infrastructure.”

“So that caring people who pick up animals from the street have the opportunity to solve this issue somehow differently.

Not only do we not have enough shelters.

They take (animals - 


) with a “donation”.

If I were legislators, I would try to monitor the conditions of detention more closely... Because people often do this out of the goodness of their hearts, and punishing them for this, driving out either animals or people, in my opinion, is not very humane,” concluded RT’s interlocutor.

Earlier, the chairman of the Association of Nature Users, Roman Korniets, proposed introducing a complete ban on keeping predatory and exotic animals in apartment buildings, and also called for tougher penalties for organizing apartment “shelters” and “nurseries.”

Read more in RT's material.