On Tuesday, the Turkish parliament voted through the Swedish application to the defense alliance.

Two days later, the country's president has signed the decision, which means that the country has now in principle fully approved Sweden's NATO application.

The ratification document must then be sent to the US State Department, and after that Turkey is completely ready, according to TT.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson comments on the announcement on X:

"We welcome Turkey's ratification of Sweden's NATO application.

We have now reached a decisive milestone on the road to full membership in NATO.”

Hungary remains to ratify

The only country that has not yet approved Sweden as a NATO member is Hungary.

Their parliament does not open until the end of February and there is no set date for a possible vote on the application there.

The opposition, on the other hand, has demanded that the parliament be called by lightning before that.

The country's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has this week invited Ulf Kristersson for "negotiations".

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Here, the Turkish parliament says yes to Swedish NATO membership Photo: Turkish parliament