“Completed higher education is important for employers when hiring specialists (36%) and managers (35%).

For 15% of employers, a diploma is important when selecting top management, and 10% of respondents noted middle-level workers,” notes the results of a study by the Rabota.ru and SberPodbor services.

Among the advantages of having a higher education, 78% of business representatives note the formation of useful skills: the ability to study, analyze, search for necessary information, etc. 46% of companies believe that during study, the discipline and self-organization necessary in work are formed.

The same number of employers noted the acquisition of applied knowledge that will be useful in the profession.

At the same time, 21% of respondents indicated that having a higher education demonstrates a person’s ambitions.

10% of respondents believe that during their studies they develop useful contacts that can be useful in their career.

A higher education diploma itself is important for 9% of employers.

In total, 400 representatives of Russian companies took part in the study.