
Updated Thursday, January 25, 2024-19:14

The prisoner who escaped last Christmas Eve from the Alcalá Meco prison

Yusef Mohamed Lehrech,

known as

El Pastilla,

has been detained at a train station in the German city of


, as reported by the National Police.

Investigators from the Fugitive Location Section of the National Police had an investigation open through the ENFAST Network that placed him in German territory.

El Pastilla

left on his own accord thanks to a concatenation of at least four errors

in the security protocols of this Madrid prison last Christmas Eve.

This Ceutí, born in 2003,

was cataloged within the File of Special Monitoring Inmates in category number five (

FIES 5 regime

), reserved for those inmates with a prison history of high conflict, escapes or serious violence.

This is a criminal considered very dangerous, responsible for at least two homicides: that of

a young man whom he allegedly killed by mistake when he mistook him

for a member of a rival gang

and that of his former boss

, motivated by revenge when he felt mistreated, according to the story of a former prisoner companion.

He was awaiting trial when he escaped from prison.

The escape occurred during

the visits on December 24


El Pastilla

took advantage of the hustle and bustle of the day

to leave the penitentiary center camouflaged among the prisoners' relatives when they left the penitentiary facility.