
Updated Thursday, January 25, 2024-09:59

With the amnesty and the agreements between the Government and the pro-independence parties at the center of the political discourse, as well as the change of Formula 1 to the capital, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, received Catalonia this Thursday Ràdio in Puerta del Sol. And it has done so by attacking "the story" that has been articulated from Catalonia and against "the identity struggles."

"You come from a region where you are taking a large part of the investments of the entire State. You could complain if you were Murcia or Extremadura that does not even have a train, but victimhood is not a solution," stated the regional leader when asked about " the privileges" that Madrid has as the capital of the State compared to other autonomies that included Catalonia.

"Life in Madrid is very sacrificed, we live with high costs of living and we are not a heavily subsidized society," Ayuso asserted as a defense argument in this regard.



president has remarked, pointing out Catalonia, that "the problem" is that "in some autonomous communities the weight of the public is eating into the private" and they are also being affected by "identity struggles."

"Catalonia and Barcelona in the 90s was one where we all wanted to go to study design or communication and now only politics is transferred from there, everything is politics," Ayuso stressed, adding that "you cannot intervene everything".

"I am against regionalism, I want people who live in Madrid to feel at home. We do not use identities, we are at the service of everyone, whether they vote for us or not, and here everyone can lead the life they want as long as they respect the rest," the regional president continued when questioned for spreading another type of nationalism, Spanish, from the capital.

"I claim Spain as a nation, as a project of centuries, not identities. I feel Spanish, but I do not promote identities," she added.

The president of the Community of Madrid has also entered into the so-called

operation Catalunya

, which involves espionage from the State on the leaders of the


through the Ministry of the Interior, defending the decisions of the Government of Mariano Rajoy.

"I see everything that is a tool on the part of the State to protect itself, a State must protect its institutions and its borders," said Ayuso, who has delved into the fact that now there is going to be "an inversion of the story."

The pro-independence supporter who hit a police officer and caused destruction will end up being a hero or a victim.

It is the same story that I see with the ETA prisoners," he highlighted.