China News Service, Beijing, January 24th, Washington News: The Republican primary election for the 2024 presidential election was held in New Hampshire on the 23rd local time.

According to US media calculations and reports, former US President Trump won the New Hampshire primary.

  According to the Associated Press, so far, about 91% of the votes have been counted in New Hampshire. Trump ranks first with 54.9% of the votes, and Haley, the former U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, ranks third with 43.2% of the votes. Second, Florida Governor DeSantis, who has withdrawn from the race, ranked third with 0.7% of the vote.

  It was Trump's second victory in a Republican primary.

In his speech after his victory, Trump did not emphasize "unity" as he did in Iowa, but instead called tonight a "bad night" for Haley and "she hasn't quit yet."

  Haley has previously invested considerable energy and resources in New Hampshire.

Although she failed to defeat Trump, the gap in vote share with him was significantly smaller than in the Iowa primary.

Haley congratulated Trump that night.

She also said that "the game is far from over" and she will continue to participate in the Republican primary.

  New Hampshire also held a Democratic primary on the 23rd that was not recognized by the Democratic National Committee. Current President Biden did not sign up to participate in the state's Democratic primary.

Although Biden's name was not on the ballot, many of his supporters still voted by handwriting Biden's name on the ballot.

According to US media calculations, Biden ranked first in the vote share and won the state's primary election.

  According to US media statistics, candidates who won the primaries in both Iowa and New Hampshire eventually succeeded in obtaining the party's presidential candidate nomination.

Therefore, Trump’s “second consecutive victory” means that there will likely be another showdown between Trump and Biden in this year’s general election.

  The primary election is the first stage of the U.S. presidential election, during which candidates from two political parties compete for the nomination of their respective parties' presidential candidates.

After the primaries, the two parties will hold their respective national conventions to formally nominate presidential and vice presidential candidates.

This year’s U.S. election voting day is November 5.
