In October 2023, Gällivare municipality must have sent a letter to the Swedish Tax Agency with a request to cancel the employee's confidential personal data.

- A privacy marking exists to protect vulnerable employees from threats, hatred and violence.

The turbulence that has been in Gällivare municipality has put our members in an extremely stressful situation with an unsustainable workload, says chief legal officer Mikael Smeds in a press release.

In the letter, the municipality must question the decision on the confidentiality marking, with reference to the investigation the municipality has not yet completed.

- Gällivare municipality has tried to lift the secrecy without even talking to the employee.

The municipality has ignored the law.

It is remarkable that the municipality acts against the safety of its own employees, says Smeds.

The Academic Union SSR JO notifies the municipality on four points.

They believe that it needs to be clarified if the municipality's letter is in conflict with the Publicity and Confidentiality Act.