The specialist called this proposal reasonable.

“First of all, it is aimed at the financial security of Russian citizens, who can check who the founder is and, if they are citizens of foreign countries, which countries,” said Yarmush.

She added that in the case of microfinance organizations, the client is the borrower and in any case will have to return the money to the organization, no matter who the founder is.

But in the case of investment organizations, according to RT’s interlocutor, it is extremely important to know about the foreign founder.

“Citizens entrust their money to certain investors who will decide for them where to invest (the money. -



And if the founders are foreign citizens or foreign organizations, then it may turn out that the money will be deliberately invested in illiquid assets and withdrawn outside Russia.

And information about who the founder is will help you make an informed decision and assess the real risks of such investments.

Therefore, I support this proposal and believe that this is in the interests of all citizens,” Yarmush concluded.

Earlier, State Duma deputy Evgeny Fedorov proposed obliging microfinance and investment organizations to indicate information about foreign founders in contracts with clients.

Read more in RT's material.