Luis Fernando Romo

Updated Wednesday, January 24, 2024-21:25

  • Controversy The millionaire figure that Prince Albert would have paid Charlene to return to Monaco

  • Controversy Nicole Coste, Alberto de Monaco's ex, attacks Charlene: "She installed my son in the employees' wing"

Monaco is burning.

On June 7, Albert II (65)

fired with immediate effect

and without prior notice

Claude Palmero

, the guardian of the

Grimaldi financial secrets

who in 2001 was appointed by Rainier III administrator of the Crown's assets after the death from his father, André Palmero.

That is to say, he microscopically knows the

movements of the current accounts of the sovereign prince

, his sisters Carolina (67) and Estefanía (58) and his wife Charlene (45), for whom Palmero had been his

confidant and friend. of his tears.

Currently, within the perimeter of the principality there exists a


that is far from abating.

At the moment, Palmero has already begun to spew venom from the

four secret notebooks

where he has been writing down scandalous matters of the Grimaldi finances that affect the princely family and that the newspaper

Le Monde

has begun to unravel.

He begins by attacking her former great friend Charlene, whose

allowance skyrocketed to over a million euros a year

and who he accuses of

hiring illegal immigrants

who made up a large part of the staff of eight full-time employees he had for her.

Among them,

nannies for 100 euros a day

to take care of their children from the cradle, the princes Jacques and Gabriella, 9 years old, and of whom he wrote in a letter in January 2017 that "they are not only in a situation illegal, but

they entered with a false passport


He also made reference in that letter to another

multitasking Filipino employee

who, after having a

tourist visa

for a month, "has been

illegally in the country for five years


To know more


'Dossiers du Rocher', the corruption case that affects Albert II


'Dossiers du Rocher', the corruption case that affects Albert II


Two children with two different women, these are the 'parallel' and well-aligned families of Albert of Monaco


Two children with two different women, these are the 'parallel' and well-aligned families of Albert of Monaco

Another writing dated 2016 has also been discovered in which Palmero reproached Charlene for the amount of money she spent since after spending

700,000 euros to celebrate the birth and baptism of her children

, on April 16, 2016, the princess asked her 77,000 euros, a figure that alarmed Palmero considering that he had also told him that he planned to rent a villa in Sardinia.

Since the administrator had the fly behind his ear, he asked the princess if it wasn't too much money and then wrote about the possibility that she was taking money from

"undeclared" funds for tax purposes


As if this were not enough, Palmero has also revealed that Charlene spent

one million euros on redecorating her holiday villa in Calvi

(Corsica), another million on decorating her office in Monte Carlo and that she gave him an additional 584,000 euros to cover an overdraft. bank plus another

hundreds of thousands of euros destined for his family


Specifically, to her brother Sean (41), 300,000 euros, so that she could buy a house in South Africa.

In December 2019, an alarmed Palmero noted that Charlene had spent "around 15 million euros" over eight years, even though her allowance was "7.5 million euros."

Claude Palmero was Albert of Monaco's administrator for 20 years.EM


princess's high lifestyle

contrasts with the


of Carolina and Estefanía's allowances, since the first pockets 900,000 euros and the second 800,000.

Prince Albert is not immune to his darts either.

The former manager of princely finances wrote in his notebooks that the lord of the principality has a

secret bank account in France

with many zeros on the right from where he makes

million-dollar transfers

to his recognized illegitimate children, Jazmin (31) and Alexander (20).

Each one receives 400,000 euros annually.

Palmero also claims that Prince Albert bought Jazmin a $3 million apartment in New York when he was 25 years old.

Alberto's fortune is estimated at approximately

1 billion dollars according to the

Celebrity Net Worth


, but numerous experts assure that this amount is not even 10% of what he really has, since we must not forget that since his father He did business with Onassis and accumulated

incalculable wealth thanks to the Casino

and luxury hotels since the 1950s.