The Lebanese-Israeli border witnesses mutual bombardment between Hezbollah and the Israeli army (French)

The exchange of bombing continued between the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Israeli army in southern Lebanon and northern Israel, at a time when the Israeli Foreign Minister threatened Lebanon if Hezbollah's operations did not stop.

Al Jazeera's correspondent reported that a missile salvo was fired from southern Lebanon, towards an Israeli position in the occupied Kfar Shuba hills.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah announced that its members targeted the Israeli site of Bayad Blida - opposite the Lebanese town of Blida - with appropriate weapons, and directly hit it.

Al Jazeera's correspondent said that missiles were launched - at noon on Wednesday - towards an Israeli site in the Upper Galilee, opposite the town of Mays al-Jabal in southern Lebanon.

The correspondent also mentioned that two missiles were fired at an Israeli military site in the occupied Shebaa Farms, and Hezbollah said that it targeted the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with guided missiles.

In the same context, Israeli media said that the army intercepted a drone coming from Lebanon in the Upper Galilee.

It was reported that the Upper Galilee Regional Council confirmed the interception of a march from southern Lebanon, despite the fact that the sirens did not sound.

White phosphorus

On the other hand, Al Jazeera's correspondent said that this evening, Wednesday, Israeli warplanes launched 6 air strikes on the vicinity of the town of Yaroun in southern Lebanon, and the Israeli army announced that it bombed with aircraft and artillery Hezbollah's infrastructure in the Yaroun area.

The National News Agency in Lebanon announced that the outskirts of the towns of Alma al-Shaab and Tayr Harfa were subjected to “hostile artillery shelling,” and added that the occupation forces targeted the town of Kafr Kila with phosphorus shells.

This coincided with the flight of “enemy reconnaissance aircraft over the western sector, especially over the town of Naqoura and the southern coast, between the Tire Plain and Al-Quleila,” according to the agency.

It is noteworthy that the day before last Monday, the Israeli army targeted residential buildings in several towns and villages in southern Lebanon with air strikes and artillery shelling using phosphorus shells.

These developments come a day after statements by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant, during a meeting with the heads of Israeli towns and settlements located on the front line near the Lebanese border, in which he said that Israel is trying to reach an agreement with Lebanon through political means, because even if we go to war, it will There is finally a ceasefire, according to the Hebrew Channel 14.


On the other hand, Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz threatened Lebanon to pay the price if Hezbollah did not back down from the confrontations on the border.

Katz said during his meeting with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, "We will not hesitate to act against Iran and its arms in the region. If Hezbollah does not withdraw, the entire Lebanese state will pay the price."

Israel has called on Hezbollah, more than once, to move away from the Lebanese-Israeli border and withdraw beyond the Litani River.

The deterioration of the security situation on the border led to Tel Aviv asking residents of settlements and Israeli towns near Lebanon to leave their homes for hotels and guesthouses in separate and remote areas.

Katz (right) threatened Lebanon during his meeting with Cameron in Tel Aviv (Israeli Foreign Ministry)

In a related matter, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Taiani said that his country will support Lebanon in its positions, and will continue to help extend calm in the south.

This came during the reception of Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati with the Italian Minister in Beirut, and Tayani indicated that he will tour Lebanon and the countries of the region, to push for calm and peace.

While Mikati stressed that Lebanon supports a peaceful solution in the region, and Italy and Europe have a fundamental role in pushing this direction.

He stressed that Lebanon supports the strict implementation of international resolutions, especially Resolution 1701, and the continuation of cooperation between the army and UNIFIL.

Since the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, the Israeli-Lebanese border has witnessed tension and intermittent exchange of fire between Hezbollah and Palestinian factions on the one hand and the Israeli army on the other, which led to deaths and injuries on both sides, in addition to deaths and injuries among Lebanese civilians.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies