Relatives of a Palestinian killed yesterday by occupation bullets in the West Bank (French)

The Israeli occupation forces stormed several cities in the occupied West Bank and arrested a number of Palestinians, while the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) called on both Qatar and Egypt to intervene to release a prisoner who was released in the last deal and whom the occupation re-arrested.

Al Jazeera's correspondent reported that the Israeli occupation forces stormed, today, Wednesday, the town of Yatta, south of Hebron in the West Bank. The correspondent stated that at the same time, Israeli military vehicles stormed the village of Beitin, north of the city of Ramallah.

The occupation forces also stormed the Jalazoun camp, north of Ramallah, and arrested a woman and her son after raiding and searching their house.

A Palestinian was arrested from the village of Al-Janiya, west of Ramallah, after he was beaten.

The occupation forces turned the roof of a Palestinian house in the town of Ya`bad, southwest of Jenin, into a military point, after storming the town and the city at the same time.

Call for brokers

In a related context, the Hamas movement held “the Zionist occupation responsible for the repercussions of its re-arrest of the boy Youssef Abdullah Al-Khatib,” who was released as part of the recent exchange deal.

Hamas called on “the brotherly mediators in Qatar and Egypt to intervene urgently to release the young man, Al-Khatib, and to put pressure on the occupation authorities to stop the policy of re-arresting our freed prisoners, and to adhere to what was agreed upon.”

The Palestinian Prisoners' Club had previously announced that the occupation re-arrested the boy, who was released as part of a prisoner exchange deal late last November.

Thus, Al-Khatib will be the first case to be re-arrested among the released children and boys, as part of the exchange batches in 2023.

Toll of detainees

In a related context, a joint statement issued by the Palestinian Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners’ Affairs Authority and the Prisoners’ Club stated that the number of detainees in the West Bank reached 6,255 since the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

The two institutions explained that this toll includes those who were arrested from homes, through military checkpoints, those who were forced to surrender themselves under pressure, and those who were held hostage.

The arrests were distributed among the governorates of Tulkarm, Nablus, Salfit, Jenin, Ramallah, Jerusalem, Hebron, and Jericho.

The arrest campaigns were also accompanied by widespread raids and harassment, severe beatings, and threats against detainees and their families, in addition to widespread sabotage and destruction of Palestinian homes.

Tulkarm operation

Meanwhile, the Hamas movement mourned the young man Nashat Salama, who was martyred at the Enab checkpoint, east of Tulkarm, by occupation bullets on Wednesday.

Hamas stressed that "the heroic operation is a natural response to the massacres of the Nazi occupation and its continued aggression against our Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip."

The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that the occupation forces shot the Palestinian young man at the Enab checkpoint near Tulkarm in the northern West Bank, and prevented medical teams from reaching him until he was martyred.

The Ministry explained that the occupation forces shot the young man Karim Nashaat Kamal Ayesh (21 years old), under the pretext of attempting to carry out a shooting attack on Israeli soldiers.

Palestinian cars set on fire by settlers near Ramallah (Anatolia Agency)

Settler violations

In a related matter, on Wednesday, settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, under the protection of the Israeli occupation police.

Eyewitnesses reported that dozens of settlers stormed the Temple Mount from the direction of the Mughariba Gate, carried out provocative tours of its courtyards, and performed Talmudic rituals.

The occupation police also prevented Palestinians from entering, causing the number of worshipers to decrease for the fourth month in a row.

In the same regard, the head of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission, Moayed Shaaban, said that the increase in the rate of settler attacks comes in light of the reassurances they receive from the political level of the Israeli government.

Shaaban pointed out that since the beginning of this year, settlers have carried out nearly 120 attacks, while more than 35 attacks have been recorded by settlers wearing the occupation army’s uniform, and more than 23 attacks have been recorded that were carried out under the auspices, monitoring and protection of the army, which indicates “official state terrorism,” he said. His expression.

Shaaban revealed that the Settlements Council, “the oppressive arm of the Civil Administration,” has begun imposing heavy fines against the Palestinians in the Jordan Valley in order to restrict them and force them to leave, and since the beginning of the year fines amounting to 240,000 shekels ($63,643) have been imposed as a punishment for grazing sheep on their lands. .

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies