Efe Madrid


Updated Wednesday, January 24, 2024-15:05

  • Events The murderer of the Morata brothers had denounced his victims for fraud before the crime

  • Morata de Tajuña "I am the one who killed the three brothers"

The judge has ordered provisional prison

without bail

for the man arrested as the author of the murder of the three brothers found dead in their home in the Madrid town of Morata de Tajuña.

As reported by the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid, the titular magistrate of the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 5 of Arganda del Rey has made this decision considering that there is

sufficient evidence to consider him the author of three crimes of homicide

, as has been reported. requested by the Prosecutor's Office

Dilawar Hussein FC, of ​​Pakistani origin, with Spanish nationality and 42 years old, was transferred this morning from the offices of the Madrid Civil Guard Command,

in the town of Tres Cantos

, to the courts, two days after surrendering. .