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Football players in the Mogadishu stadium in December

Photo: Qalid Qeys/dpa

In Somalia's capital Mogadishu, security forces foiled a terrorist attack on a well-attended football match.

Nevertheless, two people were killed.

A suicide bomber was identified and shot on Wednesday near the entrance to the stadium, where there were thousands of spectators, police spokesman Mohamed Dahir told the dpa news agency.

The bomber's bomb belt exploded, killing two civilians and injuring two others.

The Islamist terrorist militia Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attempted attack.

This month, a national football championship took place in the crisis-ridden country on the Horn of Africa for the first time in 33 years.

Somalis celebrated the tournament as a return to normality after decades of civil war and terror.

Al-Shabaab, which controlled large parts of Mogadishu and Somalia for years, condemns football as part of banned Western culture, similar to cinema or radio music programs.

The government has pushed the terrorists back from large parts of the country.

However, attacks still occur again and again.
