“We have just received this information, it is being verified.

“Including this, we insist on convening the Security Council today, where the Ukrainian side could tell how all this happened,” he said at a press conference.

Lavrov emphasized that Ukrainian propaganda began to “sweep under the carpet” its statements about the Il-76 after it became known that the plane shot down by the Ukrainian Armed Forces was transporting Ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange.

Earlier, Ukrainian media began to massively remove materials that an Il-76 with Ukrainian prisoners of war that crashed in the Belgorod region was shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces.

On January 24, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that Ukrainian military personnel hit a Russian Il-76 military transport aircraft with captured Ukrainian Armed Forces military personnel over the Belgorod region using an anti-aircraft missile system.

On board were six crew members, 65 military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the exchange and three Russian military personnel accompanying them.

They all died.

The editor-in-chief of RT and MIA Rossiya Segodnya, Margarita Simonyan, published a list of Ukrainian prisoners of war who were on board the crashed Il-76.