According to him, assigning Ukraine the status of a terrorist state allows us to begin the measures that Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about.

We are talking about creating a kind of sanitary corridor between the border regions of the country and Ukraine, Belik added.

“Today, this measure is not only relevant, it is already overdue,” he explained.

The parliamentarian emphasized that today the crimes of the Kyiv regime number not even in dozens, but in hundreds, and all of them clearly fall under the international concept of terrorism.

“How many civilians were killed by their hands, how many times did they hit their own soldiers who surrendered?

This is not a struggle for independence, these are not Western values, this is real terrorism.

And their ideologist of these actions is precisely the ruling Kiev government.

I think it would be fair to recognize this regime as terrorist,” concluded RT’s interlocutor.

Earlier, Rodion Miroshnik, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the crimes of the Kyiv regime, said that Kyiv had called into question the possibility of any agreements by committing an act of insane barbarity and shooting down an Il-76 plane in the Belgorod region.

Ukrainian media began to massively delete materials that an Il-76 with Ukrainian prisoners of war that crashed in the Belgorod region was shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces.

It was also reported that a VKS commission went to the crash site of the Il-76 plane in the Belgorod region.