Autumn's many acts of violence in Uppsala continue to leave their mark - now in the form of additional camera surveillance.

According to Omid Farhand, group manager for camera surveillance in police region Mitt, the cameras will be placed at "strategic points".

UNT was the first to report on the cameras to be set up in 16 different locations.

- The number of cameras will cover our needs, says Omid Farhand.

The decision to mount additional cameras is written by the police authority themselves and then it is reviewed by their lawyers.

At the same time, drone surveillance has also increased throughout police region Mitt, which includes Uppsala County.

As SVT has recently reported, flights increased by 40 percent last year.

The cameras are signposted

However, Omid Farhand does not want to go into exactly where the new cameras in Uppsala will be placed for strategic reasons.

As a resident of Uppsala, don't you have the right to know when you are being watched?

- You have that and you get that through signs.

All public cameras that we set up are signposted, so if you pay attention, you will see them, says Omid Farhand.

Strategic points?

Hear what kinds of places the new cameras will be mounted at in the clip above.

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Here are the places that are monitored by cameras in Uppsala.

Photo: Police/SVT