China News Service, Beijing, January 24th: Three Highlights of the "Development Map" of the Two Sessions held in 26 provinces of China

  China News Service reporter Jia Jingfeng

  In late January, China’s provincial-level local two sessions were intensively held.

  Following the Two Sessions in important provinces and cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong, on the 24th, the People's Congresses of Hunan, Yunnan, Jilin and other provinces opened. So far, 26 provinces have held the Two Sessions in 2024.

The remaining five provinces and autonomous regions, including Shaanxi, Henan, Inner Mongolia, Hubei, and Xinjiang, are also expected to enter the two sessions before the end of January.

  Over the years, provincial-level Two Sessions have often published the previous year's "report card" on economic development in government work reports, such as regional gross domestic product and other core indicators, which have become the biggest highlight of the local Two Sessions.

2023 is the year of post-epidemic recovery, which is of particular concern.

The government work reports of 26 provinces have been released, and the data of Inner Mongolia have been released in advance. The data of 27 provinces have formed an annual "development map", showing three highlights.

  ——New additions to the "9 trillion province" and "1 trillion city" with GDP.

  Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Shandong occupy the top three economic aggregates of Chinese provinces in 2023, each exceeding 9 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below).

Guangdong's GDP exceeded 13 trillion yuan for the first time, making it the first province in China to reach this size. Jiangsu's GDP reached 12.82 trillion yuan, and Shandong's GDP reached 9.2 trillion yuan.

In addition, the data of Zhejiang and Hunan have reached 8 trillion yuan and 5 trillion yuan respectively.

  Changzhou in Jiangsu Province and Yantai in Shandong Province are newly listed as cities with a GDP exceeding one trillion yuan.

Jiangsu now has five "trillion cities", surpassing Guangdong, which has four, and has become the province with the most "trillion cities" in China.

China's "trillion cities" have increased to 26.

  ——The west and north have potential, and the “fourth pole” has taken shape.

  The hot spots on China’s “development map” have expanded from the traditional economically developed areas in the southeast to the western and northern provinces.

  In the west, Tibet's economic growth rate is as high as 9%. Ningxia announced that various economic indicators are the best in history, with a growth rate of 6.6%, and Gansu's growth rate is 6.4%. Sichuan announced that its GDP exceeded 6 trillion yuan for the first time, and Chongqing exceeded 3 trillion yuan for the first time. , both economic growth rates exceeded 6%; Yunnan’s GDP exceeded 3 trillion yuan for the first time.

Qinghai's economic growth rate was 5.3%, which also outperformed the national figure of 5.2%.

  In the north, Shandong, as the most economically powerful province in the north, continues to score high in the exam, while Inner Mongolia recorded an economic growth of 7.3%.

The three northeastern provinces with a hot ice and snow economy attracted attention. Liaoning's GDP exceeded 3 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.3%, and Jilin's growth surged 6.3%, both outperforming the "broad market."

Heilongjiang disclosed a growth figure of 2.6% and set a 2024 target of 5.5%.

  The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Greater Bay Area are also known as China's three major economic growth poles.

After the Sichuan and Chongqing Two Sessions, the public followed the "Outline Plan for the Construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle" issued by China's official government in 2021, and once again mentioned the construction of Sichuan and Chongqing as the "fourth economic growth pole". From this time, the two provinces and cities Looking at the levels, the "fourth pole" can indeed take shape.

  ——Per capita disposable income and people’s livelihood goals have become hot words.

  The Shanghai Municipal Government Work Report stated that the per capita disposable income of Shanghai residents will be 85,000 yuan in 2023, an increase of 6.6%, which is faster than GDP growth.

Beijing has proposed work goals for 2024, including "resident income growth synchronizing with economic growth."

  A few days ago, the National Bureau of Statistics released per capita disposable income data for 31 provinces. Shanghai, Beijing, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu ranked among the top four. Among them, Shanghai and Beijing advanced to "80,000 yuan+" and Zhejiang "60,000 yuan+". Jiangsu "50,000 yuan +".

  People's livelihood is a hot topic during the two sessions in all provinces.

Each province has proposed detailed livelihood goals for 2024, focusing mostly on elderly care, childcare, subsistence allowances, and employment.

  Hunan proposed "ten key livelihood issues", including raising urban subsistence allowances to 700 yuan/month and rural subsistence allowances to 5,400 yuan/year. Fujian proposed to create more than 500,000 urban jobs and build 400 demonstration long-term projects. Guizhou proposes to build 50 new county medical sub-centers and 500 rural wooden houses with more than 50 households in contiguous villages to have water and electricity improvements.
