The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, commented on the peace initiatives regarding the conflict in Ukraine coming from the countries of the collective West.

According to her, all talk about certain peace initiatives coming from representatives of countries that supply weapons or sponsor the Kiev regime are political manipulations.

“For one simple reason: there can be no negotiation processes initiated by those who supply weapons to the Kyiv regime - neo-Nazi, nationalist, professing terrorism as a tool for carrying out its criminal activities,” she said on the air of her author’s program on Sputnik radio.

Zakharova emphasized that in order to take into account statements about any peace initiatives, there is a test word - arms supplies.

“Either stop supplying weapons and stop inciting conflict, and then your conversations about peace plans, initiatives and processes can somehow be identified as sincere, at least, or obviously not false.

Or, if this whole orgy continues with the use of the Kyiv regime for what they formulate as inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia, then, excuse me, what kind of peace initiatives or attempts are you even talking about?”

- she said on the air of her author’s program on Sputnik radio.

An official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry said that she was surprised to find “comments from the Swiss Foreign Ministry that they are looking for ways to formulate some kind of negotiation process on Ukraine.”

“Our assessment was given clearly; we noted Bern’s departure, unfortunately, from the position of neutrality.

You can play with words as much as you like, delve into what neutrality is, but the main thing is that neutrality is non-involvement in conflicts in favor of one of the parties,” she explained.

“We understand perfectly well that all this is happening under pressure and influence in the absence of sovereignty in relation to their Western senior masters.

But we see how Switzerland has lost its equidistance from the positions of the parties, and to its own detriment, because this reputation is not restored quickly.”

Earlier, the head of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, Ignazio Cassis, commenting on the meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, announced preparations to discuss the possibility of organizing a peace conference on Ukraine with other countries, including China and India.

He also announced that four meetings had been held at the level of national security advisers on the “peace formula” promoted by the Kyiv regime.

On January 22, Sergei Lavrov, speaking at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine, emphasized that all the supposedly peaceful plans, platforms and “formulas” that the Kiev regime and its masters are running around with have nothing to do with peace and serve only as a cover for the continuation of the war and siphoning money from Western taxpayers.

“All these “formulas” are a road to nowhere.

And the sooner Washington, London, Paris and Brussels realize this, the better it will be for both Ukraine and the West, for which the “crusade” against Russia has already created obvious reputational and existential risks.

I advise you to listen carefully to this while there is still time,” said the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

He also recalled that Moscow never refused and always remained ready for negotiations.

“The negotiations are not about how to keep the leaders of the Kiev regime in power and indulge their fantasies, but about overcoming the legacy of the destructive ten-year plunder of the country and violence against its people, about eliminating the causes of the tragic situation for Ukraine,” Lavrov explained.