[Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Special Line] Wang Weizhong, Governor of Guangdong Province: Steadyly promote the "Guangdong Cars Going South"

  China News Service, Guangzhou, January 23 (Reporter Cheng Jingwei) The second session of the 14th People's Congress of Guangdong Province opened in Guangzhou on the 23rd. In his government work report, Guangdong Governor Wang Weizhong said that Guangdong will make good use of the We will manage the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge well, optimize and improve "Hong Kong cars going north" and "Macau cars going north", and steadily promote "Guangdong cars going south".

  Wang Weizhong said that in 2024, Guangdong will implement the new positioning of "one point, two places" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and accelerate the construction of a world-class Greater Bay Area and the best-developed bay area.

Adhere to the joint efforts of soft and hard connectivity, promote the construction of the "Greater Bay Area on Track", do a good job in the preliminary work of the Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao High-speed Railway, and accelerate the reconstruction, reconstruction and expansion of ports such as Huanggang and Shatoujiao.

Expand the "Bay Area Standards" list and the "Bay Area Certification" program scope.

Expand the pilot projects of "combined ports" and "one-port connectivity" to strengthen the trade and shipping hub functions of the Greater Bay Area.

  At the same time, Guangdong will do a good job in the recognition of the professional qualifications of Macao professionals, the "one inspection and two recognitions" of Macao motor vehicles, and the construction of "electronic fence" for cross-border funds in Hengqin, etc., and then introduce a number of industrial projects to speed up the implementation of island-wide customs closure. operation to ensure the completion of the first phase objectives and tasks.

Promote the revision of the regulations of the Qianhai Cooperation Zone to create a gathering area for financial leasing, shipping services, offshore engineering equipment, and international consulting.

We will prepare and implement a new round of overall development plan for Nansha, accelerate the construction of the Nansha pilot zone, and achieve more substantial breakthroughs.

Promote the introduction of regulations for the Shenzhen Loop Loop, strengthen the coordinated development and utilization of "one river, two banks" and "one district, two parks", and promote the implementation of entry-exit "whitelist", tax preferential and other policies.
