China News Service, January 23 (Xinhua) -- According to comprehensive foreign media reports, the U.S. Pentagon stated on the 22nd local time that U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin will participate in a meeting on military assistance to Ukraine online from home.

Data map: Austin.

Photo by China News Service reporter Chen Mengtong

  According to reports, the 70-year-old Austin was admitted to the hospital due to complications after undergoing prostate cancer surgery. After being discharged, he was recuperating at home and has not yet officially returned to the Pentagon.

  Reuters pointed out that the meeting on January 23 will be Austin's first public event since being hospitalized due to illness, but he will not answer media questions at a press conference with other senior US military officials.

  Pentagon spokesman Singer said the United States is committed to supporting Ukraine and that lawmakers need to provide more funds to Kyiv because the crisis in Ukraine continues.

"Not only has the United States been providing security assistance to Ukraine, but our partners and allies have continued to do so even though our Congress has not yet passed additional funding," Singer told reporters.

  According to reports, Republicans in the U.S. Congress have rejected Biden's request for emergency funding for Ukraine, and have also claimed that they will partially "shut down" the federal government unless Biden agrees to promote new security policies along the U.S.-Mexico border.

In addition, because Austin failed to promptly notify the White House and relevant departments of his illness and hospitalization, Republicans also criticized Austin for "neglect of duty" and should resign.

  Since the crisis in Ukraine escalated, the United States and its allies have announced multiple rounds of aid plans for Ukraine.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov previously stated that Western countries such as the United States and Europe will sooner or later get tired of providing support to Ukraine, which will lead to internal divisions in the West.