In the near future, there will be high flows in waterways around the county, according to the county administrative board in Jönköping, which now urges everyone who owns, for example, a pond, to keep an extra eye.

Värnamo municipality has historically been heavily affected by floods.

With the extremely high levels in 2004 in mind, a series of preventive measures have been put in place.

"The only ones in the country"

The most unique is a simulation software developed by the municipality.

It can make forecasts for how high the water is expected to be seven days into the future and is available to all municipal residents digitally.

- We are the only ones in the country that work preventively in that way, says VA manager Antti Vähäkari.

The municipality also works closely together with the municipality of Gnosjö and Vaggeryd - and lectures on how they work, among other things, for SMHI.

See the system that detects high flows and warns of flooding in the video