We have previously told how one of the 15-year-olds suspected of shooting Bosvedjan last winter was taken away from his parents by a criminal network to become a perpetrator of violence for the gang.

Now SVT can reveal how it happened when the 15-year-old was kidnapped from his father in Turkey - by a high-ranking gang criminal and two of his henchmen.

SVT has taken it from a memo about the incident that was recently drawn up by the police.

It was introduced at a very late stage in the preliminary investigation material surrounding the large gang case in Sundsvall from last winter, which has now gone up to the Court of Appeal for review.

Left by air

The memo shows, among other things, that the police were able to document that just three days before he was to start school in Turkey, the 15-year-old left Istanbul airport with the destination Stockholm and Arlanda, together with three fellow travelers.

All without the parents' knowledge.

When the father discovered that both the 15-year-old and his passport were missing, the son was already planning to return to Sweden together with three gang criminals.

A 24-year-old from the Bridge network with strong ties to Rawa "The Kurdish fox" Majid and his Foxtrot network had both booked and paid for the tickets for himself, the two cronies and the 15-year-old.

See and hear more in the clip.